I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Tuesday, December 28, 2004
Stupid Dumbass
what the hell is he giving me attitude for? its not like i've done anything wrong. and its not like i belong to him. so what the hell is this bloody attitude that you're giving me for, DAMMIT??!
don bloody keep scolding me anyhow and blaming me for something i did nothing wrong. and do i really need to tell you my every move dammit? do i? and if i'm not then i'm being secretive?? what the shit is this? don give me all this crap ok?! im soo gonna leave right now. i don need to deal with all this bullshit. and please stop freaking sending me smses alreadi dammit. i don want to hear from you or have anyting to do with you anymore. and im not going to go back to that place. ok, maybe i will once in a while but i will soooo not talk to you anymore. and i will mind my own freaking business so might i suggest u bloody well do the same. don even bloody talk to me. thats that. i hav enough to deal with in sch and instead of me feeling better i'm just freaking feeling so pissed off. just go away damnit. i have more than enough things to handle with at the moment. why are some people just a big freaking jerk, dumbass, insensitive bastard who only thinks about themselves? and they think they are so freaking important when they are not? why? especially guys. i think i've handle all this kind of shit soo many times before in the past but things just don freaking change do they? yeah, i guess they dont. ok. so this is pretty much a "pissed-off" entry and a myterious one at that for most of you. but dont mind me. i am juz being myself. too bad that stupid jerkass cant read this entry. anyway, enough of all this bullshit. still planning on how to spend my new yr...i wanna PARTY!!! and leave all this shit behind.
msleah met a host at
10:16 PM
Saturday, December 25, 2004
Here's wishing you...
HO HO HO! Merry Christmas everybody! And a Happy New Year!
"Hubby" broke up with me because he said he couldnt stand my mental instability any longer. said he would rather abandon me then let anyone know i was with him. insert:- Last christmas i gave you my heart but the very next day u gave it away...this year to save me from tears, i gave it to someone special. "someone special"...i know who to give it to. insert:- I just want you for my own. More than you could ever know. Make my wish come true. All I want for Christmas is you... yyyyooooooouuuuuuuuu.... insert:- jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way..oh what fun it is to ride in a one horse open sleigh insert:- we wish you a merry christmas 3x n a happy new year TI'S THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY! =)
msleah met a host at
1:00 AM
Friday, December 24, 2004
since its christmas eve, we were suppose to end our classes at 12pm which was earlier than usual. but my lecturer end our class 45 mins early (and we each get a christmas pressie!) so i was super early. and mom told me that she'll only meet me at ard 1.30.
so i had to call her up. and meet mom n my sisters. we're suppose to go shopping. only that i was super sleepy. and shopping with my mommy is different from shopping with my friends. (obviously). and i was too wrapped up with my insane mentality to actually enjoy the whole trip. but at least i got some new stuff. would hv put up the pictures of those stuff if they werent so "private". heh. aniway, for my super-late lunch, we went to eat at a coffee shop. HAHA. its been too long since i sat and ate at a coffee shop. but the nasi ayam was ok. we went to Jurong Point (which was bloody packed) and then moved on to Ang Mo Kio. which wasnt so bad. so thats it. and i slept like around 1/4 of the journey. yeah. that was how sleepy i am.
msleah met a host at
9:00 PM
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
The real deal
why does project always hav to be given out durin my mood swings?
oh wait, maybe it is the projects that triggers off my mood swings. *cheery* lets do a simple quiz titled "Do you know the real Saleha?" here's hw it works. if u ever use any of this words to describe me, then you WIN. lets start. i am... dirty - sinful - sick - stick_thin - figureless - stupid - dumb - fake lousy - useless not original. a stupid stick. unbelievably a BIG loser. not living in reality. as fake as a human being can get. soul so full of foul aura. i personally think i am the worst human being alive. i just dont deserve to belong. anywhere here.
msleah met a host at
9:54 PM
Monday, December 20, 2004
Same old thing
i'm home early. hah. that's a new thing i guess. im too broke to go out and do shopping or watch movies anymore. well. just have to wait for next month when all these FUN things will begin again. haha..definitely looking forward to it.
anyway, my mom has been cranky these days. and she keeps testing my patience. much as i love her and everyting, everytime she calls me i could feel my blood boiling. cuz its no mistake that she will either nag or tell me off. and you can ask my sisters. i just feel like i need to BOX something. well. that's a lil' too far-fetched. but you know what i mean. another day in school. another day that i waste my time there. cuz i don even pay attention. and all i do is laugh and do crazy things and all those crap. so yeah, stupid actually. this was just a normal day like any other. wanted to go out with haz after school but unfortunately she's accompanying her boyfriend at the polyclinic. too bad. so i had to go home on my own today since sutha's meeting her boyfriend to have dinner with him (i think).anyway, guess who i meet on the bus stop? rite...unexpectedly, its Radzi. its been so long. so went home with him together. took the bus but it was so crampy (as usual). but i got a seat in the end. so no big. me n radzi onli talked for a while before he went on and doze off (i think). i just sat there and listen to sabrina on the radio while smsing. (btw, tanx baby for teaching me how to adjust the thingie..lol) when we finally reached woodlands though, i told him i wanted to walk home instead of taking the bus. but he forced me. and pulled me towards the bus queue. and the bus arrived just as we were on the line (with no one there) and he shouted at me to hurry! what a guy! i mean ok, fine the bus is here but chill out a lil' will ya? lucky for him i just larfed it off. if not... oh and on the bus he asked how NJ was. so i said she's getting prettier by the day..(hehe..jgn kembang oi..) but he said that she seem to grow fatter by the day. well, u peeps would understand what type of guy he is without needing to meet him. and he said i am growing fatter by the day as well.well. no comments. and honestly i am not bothered by it. he can say all he want. i dont mind. looked at my student pass and say my face look like i needed to be slapped. showed me his and he asked " hansome tak? hansome kan? " and i just said " hmm..yelah...hansem" which was a mistake because then, he started asking qns like did he look better last time or now(with longer hair). and imagine me sitting there beside him having to put up with all this. it was a short bus ride, thank goodness. and finally said our goodbyes. this insensitive guy. known him since sec 1 as unbelievable as that sounds. anyway. daddy bought me a new hp. i wanted a new hp but i would never dream of asking him to buy one for me. i wanted to use my own $$. but daddy still bought me one. hehe. how nice of him...so for those of u who wasnt informed, i changed my number (as well) so just ask for it and i'll giv it to ya.. sigh. and i hv to go thru another stupid day at sch tmr. whats even worse is that its IS day. a stupid lesson with no one i know. BOO HOO. well. hv to deal with it. gtg now. toodles! oh and i was interviewed when i was in the library waiting for baby (who was picking books). nothing much but more about the library and do you think blah blah blah...i think its more like a survey. well CIAO!
msleah met a host at
7:01 PM
Friday, December 17, 2004
Blog Improvise
Kwang kwang kwang. hahaha. i made changes to my blog. but its not done yet. cuz i still need to put up the links. will be asking my friend for help on that one though.
hah. doesnt dis blog look so childish? but the main thing is that it is original. cuz its done by me, me and ME! hahaha..ok i am getting so crazy. weee....enjoy!
msleah met a host at
7:56 PM
Monday, December 13, 2004
~Oh dear~
i really dont think i can take it if it happens again. ok. so all of you might not know what i am talking about. granted, you all wont. but.
it has happened. and i'm afraid of it happening again. though i'm not sure if it will be happening. fine. lets cut the crap. another week of sch started. but i am going to chill out for a while first before getting myself all stressed out about the school work. ask my friends. i am getting crazier by the day. and angeline said i'm noisy.. BOO HOO! most people says i'm quiet most of the time. well i guess those people just dont spend enough time to get to know me. the crazy side of me that is. haha. oh. there i go again. anyway, lots of things have been happening. well, not really lots in term of events but since i think too much, i guess i am affected by some events. ok, since i'm not going to go on, i might as well end it here. yippee! tomorrow i am going to go out after sch and meet haz and we are going to go out and stuff. hopefully we can catch a movie. and i think i'm doing the same thing on friday as well. going to catch a movie with the babies. well, we'll see how it goes. for the moment, i just have this to say to myself. kuso! baku, baku, baku!
msleah met a host at
9:42 PM
Friday, December 10, 2004
actually, i meant to update sooner. but i just didnt get to it. dont ask me why.
ok. one week of sch. GONE. phew! now, the weekend. just what i've been waiting for. complaints about sch: - buy books that's over a budget of $50 only to be used for 1 freaking semester - the stupid people who did the timetable always manage to screw up my TUESDAYS - PSP is back. freaking ****. i forgot everyting - now there are 3 programming modules. GOD help me. - the too-relaxed (free) schedule at the beginning of the sem and the too-hectic (stress) schedule at the end. not forgetting:- waking up early in the morning! (fine, laugh) today is my guy's birthday. he turned 24. hehe. taufik lah. ok lame. deal with it. he's mine. anyway, thinking bout it, there was lots that i wanted to talk bout. but unfortunately, i've forgotten. knew i should've updated earlier. until next time (i would've already been thru hell a.k.a school, by then) CIAO... oh and btw ppl, pic is up. sorry but only 3 pics are available...cuz my friend has not send me the other pics and i havent heard frm her for a while. will try to get 'em asap. meanwhile here's the link my pic website
msleah met a host at
6:16 PM
Monday, December 06, 2004
~First day of Sch~
ok. first day of the second semester. nothing much changed. cept for the fact that i wont be seeing one of my fren anymore. haiz.
can u believe that my button came off??? my jeans...unbelieavable. this means that my tummy is gettin bigger...LOL. anyway. decided to go and meet haz tmr after sch...go hp hunting hopefully i can find something. so thats it. short entry. but the day seems to be stretching too long for my liking. felt like i had a mega-long day today. anyway. gonna send a msg to taufik...later..=p ok. $#@# shit. i juz found out that no one i knew will be in my IAC and WAA class. my Inter-disciplinary Studies. that means i hav to #$%ing make frens with new ppl. dammit. not again. wat the hell are they trying to do man??? every semester is gonna be this way??? &*^$ CURSES. !#$%^&**^$$$#!!#^&
msleah met a host at
8:08 PM
Wednesday, December 01, 2004
~Fed Up~
crap. school is bout to start and its been ages since i left the house to go shopping. and so i hav got no new stuff for sch. damn. plus all the money that i got for raya i hav kept them in the bank. for sure i'm gonna spend it within one day had i not done dat.
and yesterday i went to causeway with my sisters but the truth is i jus hav no mood to go shopping. plus its not like i can buy anything. sigh. i saw mr shah(my pri sch teacher) when i was at cp. but i din say or do anyting. its not like he's gonna remember me or recognize me or anyting. anyway, he was with his four children and it was kinda sweet. i think. anyway. yeah and i saw rajvin as well. jus SAW him. oh, forget it. i think i practically spoil my sister's mood yesterday. cuz they were enthusiastic to go and do some shopping. but me? well like i said. i wasnt in the mood. so. geram seh dgn "kwn-kwn" aku. so-called kawan je kan. menyampah tau. tau tak betapa susah nye org nk plan utk kluar jln raya?? tau ah korg smua tk pernah buat kan??? smua nk org lain buat kan aje abeh dah gitu bkn nak co-operate. tanye hari aper free smua ckp wkend lah aper lah. abeh bile dah plan on that particular day, ader ader je tau. tak le make it lah. ada hal lah. HONESTLY EH, PERGI MAMPUS AH KORG. geram tau. plan hari saturday pun pasal korg ckp wkend. lepas tu ckp tk leh. abeh tukar tuesday. abeh tak bole lagi. tukar wednesday. sudah lah eh. since korg tak kisah, why the hell shld i care?? lain kali jgn ckp "aku smbarang...biler-biler pun boleh". kalau tak tau betul2 free ke tak jgn ckp mcm confident nah gitu. SHISH! lain kali korg buat sendiri ah planning dier. aku dah malas and i don care anymore. i don giv a shit. kater aje kawan bukan nk buat aper2. since korg tak kisah kan aku pun tk kisah. and jgn nk bagi alasan lagi ah. semua BULLSHIT! tau nk semua siap aje. abeh biler org dah buat ader2 aje. LAIN KALI KALAU TANAK KELUAR CAKAP SIANG-SIANG. JADI ORG TK YAH SUSAH2 PLAN! *takes a deep breath* ok. sori bout that. its for my frens. in malay. if u cant read it, its a gd thing too. anyway, singapore idol will be aired tonite!! YAY!! im really looking forward to it. hope Taufik will emerge as the first SINGAPORE IDOL! anyway, think i've said enough. see ya when i see ya! =] ************************************* ok.Taufik won. oh yeah.. uh-huh..*did a lil jiggle* haz came over to my place and we watched Taufik together...was swooning man...he is juz too damn good. plus he has got the WHOLE package...damn..if only i can have him...haha DREAM ON SAL! but a gal can always dream...so im gonna do that rite now..hehe.
msleah met a host at
12:16 AM
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