I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
i wanted to update earlier, i had loads of stuff to talk bout last nite, but unfortunately, i cant do it cuz i had to complete my work first.
lots of things happened yesterday, from guys, to school to friends, to everything there is. i dont really feel like talking about it now, cuz it feels like "yesterdays news" now. ANYWAY, took loads of pictures cuz we really had nothing to do during the 3 hour break. I started the idea of course, as usual, and it's always been that way since last thursday. going to do it again Thurs. HAHA! i will, of course upload the pics and we can hav fun looking at them together. wee! as if! speaking of pics, i hav yet to take pics to present them on Fri's photography lesson. it was fun-ni. And i'll start taking pics tmrw when i'm going shopping w haz..heheeee. TOO BAD NJ CANCELLED OUR MOVIE DATE I WAS SO LOOKING FORWARD TO WATCHING THAT MOVIE =( And my eye hurts!! Terribly. the girls will understand cuz i've been complaining bout this since a few hours ago. I had it alreadi in the early morning, but it wasnt so bad. until the start of the afternoon where my right eye juz started to feel worse. BOO-HOO. i think i'll come with a patch on my right eye to sch tmrw. the one juz like Capt. Hook, ya knw? Anyway, i cant really stay long cuz i still hav stuff to send to Mr. ONG SEY BENG our Graphics Design Fundamental LECTURER. UNFORTUNATELY, i had to be e Module Rep for this Module. NVM. He's juz meticulous about the lil' details, to prepare us for the working world in the future, i guess. anyway, the main reason i joined MMC is cuz i wanted to do Graphics Design, so now tt its' here, i cant complain now, can i? I really should try to enjoy myself, even thou this 'one day one module' thingie will COST ME. ok, got to get back to doing the LIST for my GDF Tutor. Juz here for a quick update, that's all. SEE YA!
msleah met a host at
9:25 PM
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
e movies
2 movies in one day, i must be mad, crazy or juz mad. watched Star Wars w eileen earlier juz now, and it was nice, i finally know why anakin went to the dark side, even thou i hav to say, things still doesnt turn out the way he wants it to be. sigh. sad story, but it was nice. and there was one part where i almost fell asleep. XD i NEVER fall asleep during movies on thaeaters.. NEVER!! but i guess i was juz too tired and that part has no action so...
and then after that, met ain and watched amityville horror. i havent watched horror movies in the theaters for a long time. its not really my fav kind of movie. this one was scary, and honestly, i got quite intrigued near the end of the show. even thou i sort of hate horror movies XD violence, fine, horror, well... haha and i'm going to go watch another movie tmr again.. HAHA! the movie freak-ness has kicked into me!! HELP!! ~ok, nonsense. i'm watching one with wei xuan and eileen tmr..dono wad movie thou. still hv to go and watch madagascar n mr & mrs smith w NJ. i'll juz hv to find e time n money for that. anyway, some jerk decided to gimme a msg after quite some time saying "hi still rmbr me?" and when i found out who tt is, i do rmbr. and e reason why i deleted his number. for acting like a jerk. and i still cant believe he still has e guts to act like a jerk AGAIN when he's e one who started giving me msg-es. STUPID JERK! spoiled my mood, but then, i still get to enjoy myself so HAH! oh, i almost forgot, 2nd day of sch was...well lets juz say there's time where i almost fell asleep (or did i already?), and it was uncountable..i was so tired :( or maybe juz bored :P okay, i'll see ya'll later..dont know if i still hav e time to blog anytime soon..but i'll try
msleah met a host at
10:13 PM
Monday, May 23, 2005
Aunt & Unc
had a looong weekend i dont know where to start actually. i was away the whole time, but i bet u wldnt even notice my absence. ~nonsense
anyway, firstly hope my aunt n unc had a great time away, celebratin unc's b'dae out of e country. me? i was away at their house w no adults, juz me, sista's n cuzzie. all girls weekend (well plus my abg sedara, but since he's in his room e whole time, it doesnt count). sweet eh? was practically slacking the whole wkend, which was great, considering sch starting's soon..*sigh* and the bbq on sat was...erm...i had nothing to say bout it. i dont know if we came too early (?!!) or wad, but there's really nth much to do there cuz it rains. :( and i am soo going to kill syafiq. He OWE me BIG for the thing he made me do. actually juz what hv i been up to? hmm, junk foods, watching more movies, animations, junk food, slp, movie, slp.. tt's prac it. yesterday, or technically, this morning, we watched Battle Royale I & II. It was a show with a sick sense of humour. But it was violent n u could say funny, in a weird way. Basically, they mix humour w violence. this is what its abt. Ninth grade kids were tricked into going for a sch trip at the end of the sch year. in the bus, they were drugged and when they woke up, they find themselves stranded on a deserted island, with a weird necklace attached on their necks. their 7th grade teacher (who was in charge) told them that they had to kill one another until there's eventually only one survivor. Who, would then be allowed to go home. They can be tracked down by the necklace and given only 3 days to complete the mission. If by the end of 3 days, more than one person's still alive, then they will all die. so the moral of the story is..dont go on sch trips.. haha. ok, dis is for u mama since i know u hv an excursion tmr rite? tee-hee..be careful..*evil grin* bleah. i'll be back tmr w reports on first day back in sch. IF i'm not exhausted at e end of e day...
msleah met a host at
3:15 PM
Wednesday, May 18, 2005
msleah met a host at
1:30 PM
Monday, May 16, 2005
charlie's angels
well yea this is for OUR version of charlie's angels..hehee..no one will know what i'm talking bout 'cept us 3 angels. okay...
so anyway, i know i promised to write every nite since i slept at ard 3-4am. bt no entry for e past few days..i'm sorry. (i dont even know who i'm apologising to cuz i knw no one reads this..hee =p) rite. i hv been buzy for the weekend. and i mean real buzy i havent got e time to go online. k, then. short summary: Fri: watch Coach Carter w NJ. still hv 2 more movie dates. ;) Sat: watch Interpreter w K.Y, and us 3 charlie's angels. tee-hee. [initially wanted to watch Kingdom of Heaven but bcuz Lucy was underaged, we couldnt go in, thou she was so sure she cld pass for a 16 yr old. well i know she cld, but then there's still the IC thingie. well, no blaming anibody here.] in the end, our movie starts at 5pm instead of e 3.30pm show we were hoping to get. Then, stayed over at Aunt's house for the nite. Sun: was suppose to get home asap, but our asap was like after 12pm. HAA! lol. couldnt bring ourselves to leave Aunt's house cuz it was soo gd to be away frm e house for a while. slacking- lol. TODAY: dlded n watch more movies. the list of movies [not watched in theaters] since Sun: 1. Howl's Moving Castle 2. Bride And Prejudice [juz like bollywood in Eng, juz like K.Y. said. still prefer it e old fashion way thou] 3. Garfield 4. Confessions of a Teenage Drama Queen [halfway watched] 5. Honey, Honey n more Honey [lol..kidding] now listening to only one song on repeat: Hope by Twista feat Faith Evans; Coach Carter Soundtrack. NJ u shld get dis.
msleah met a host at
2:48 AM
Friday, May 13, 2005
my poor bloggie
goodness gracious i really shld start a habit of posting more often. sigh. alright. from now on i will try my best to update every night since i'm not gonna go to slp till like 3/4 am in the morning these days.
yes, i'm an insomniac, an owl, a night-person. whatever you might want to call it. so since i'm an all-nighter, i'm going to spend some time here and not abandon the poor bloggie. =( shish. i'm speaking as if this thing's a living being or sth. anywayyy... yay! i finally get to meet one of my girls today. haha~sutha's jealous cuz we didnt ask her along. =p nah. juz kidding..aniway, yea thou me n eileen did nth much-nth at all practically. but we get to see one another at least ONCE during the holidays so i guess tt counts for sth. and unless the class outing's actually gonna work out, i get to see the rest of them then, before sch reopens. and then i get to see them everyday..XD everytime i talk to her swimming will always come up..and i wanna go swimming soo badly :( so nvm bout tt. i cant get to meet up my gfs this wk at all..i dono wer e rest has gone to..haz's bz w attachment n work at e same time [kesian kau..aku tk habis2...our schedule's like totally opposite..XD] but at least i get to meet NJ tmr!! yeay!! after like, wad? weeks?? woo..cant wait for it! and i'm movie deprived cuz i'm broke. and everyones' talking bout house of wax. yea i know chad's in it..all e pretty ppl is in it and yet its a story full of gory stuff. ain't tt ironic..so maybe i'm gonna watch movie w NJ tmr.. i've already watch some movies here at home [all the stuff my sis's been dl-ing] like resident evil, honey (love this one!!), and then there's still some other stuff. basically instead of watching e newly released movies, i'm catching up on old ones. haha. but at least i get to do tt before i get bz w sch, which as it happens, is gonna happen not too soon. shish, one pretty long entry doncha tink? and for someone who's gt practically nothing to talk abt, i sure write a lot. okay gonna end it here for this time and will update tmr nite. or morning. whichever it is. whatever. later ~
msleah met a host at
12:33 AM
Monday, May 09, 2005
me, obviously
yes, its officially done. Done n Over with. well not like anyone noticed/cared. Obviously i'm the only one. haha. wonder why all my frens ditched my blog aniways. T_T.
aniway, i've done and written almost everything i can think of to make this blog appealing to visitors. Obviously i created the WHOLE THING myself. no such help from Blogskins etc wadever. Does it sound like i'm bragging? Well. NO. Not really anyway. The only thing is that i'm wondering if i should put on music. My train of thoughts: "Its freaking irritating if someone enters ur blog and annoying music starts at the bg" - and then - "But whenever i enter someone else's site w music, it sounds NICE" boohoo! I cant make up my mind! Well somebody GIMME an idea OKAY? Whoever who's reading this anyway. Juz place a msg. And i wonder if i shld post more often. Not, of course tt i will have the time, but i would'nt want my blog to be dead [*sympathises blog*]. Yes, don t you people know? I'm very fickle minded indeed. Even for the simplest of things. I cant' make up my mind. How do my friends put up with me, i wonder? Shall i make more graphics? I love doing it! Gimme a sense of satisfaction everytime i'm done with one. will edit again later on...
msleah met a host at
9:47 PM
Sunday, May 08, 2005
yay! V3 is finally up. New blog for the new Month. Thou i'd still need to make some changes. But will do tt soon. Later. I'm gonna update some stuff LATER. So..? Yah, okay nvm. I'll edit later.
btw, happy mothers day. (sorry i was being such a pain in e --- mom) and happy *belated* birthday sutha! even thou i've already wished u the other day. Hope its nice being 19. HAHA!
msleah met a host at
5:14 PM
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