I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Sunday, July 31, 2005
this was supposed to be written earlier, but i zonked out halfway. =p
aniway, first n foremost, juz wanna wish a happy 18th birthday to Eileen Goh. tee-hee. Yea, its her 18th b'day today (31st July) but we went out on Friday to seoul garden to 'celebrate' in advance. k, i'll get back to that later. Fri had moi first french lesson. It was nice, fun but confusing to the point that it gets quite complicating. Bun was struggling abit, but i had to admit, so was i. inside my head, i keep translating the words in jap instead. yeah. that's the problem wen u learn too many languages. but Fri wasnt so bad, i actually get to sch on time, for the first lesson. Keep it up! lolz. Seriously, the lecturer was a bit strict bout attendance, i think. (well, yes, if you're close to being one hour late, who wouldnt be?) well, the room was Super cold, and it was early in the morning, but here's what a lil bit of what i learn. heheh! bonjour! cava? vous vous appellez common? > g'mornin. how are u? what's ur name? yeah. somewhere along that line. but there's alreadi oral assessment. waha! nvm, i think if i juz come to class on time every week and pay attention and go to Mel often, i'll be able to make it! alrite. and then let's juz skip to the dinner part. hmm. skip e part bout some ppl being late (wasnt me!!), skip e part bout waiting for tables, skip e part bout e payment..etc etc. den its eating time!! to be honest i think i paid for more than what i ate. i took more photos then i ate. i larf more than i ate. but at least i still ate. haha! it was fun all of us going crazy. only i got quiet near the end, cuz i'm too sleepy and too tired. too full? not really, i think i ate juz enough to fill my stomach. e dinner was to celeb eileen's advanced b'dae. wee. i tink pics can be found on jiisan's blogg.
msleah met a host at
12:00 AM
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
s-Tom and Tum
Wee. Updates again. I must be too free.
Having irregular meals is bad. Its unhealthy. I know that. and the worst thing is, i have been doing that a lot recently. and today. well. i havent ate anything since yesterday's lunch, cuz after sch, went down to Starbucks at Marina, had some Mocha, but i didnt eat aniting. Head down to Victoria Concert Hall (ard 7.30pm) to attend Eileen's concert (Monk Hill's Military Band Concert, i think, the last of their performance ever) and that ends at about 10 plus? So had to head home straight after that, reached home at around 11.15 or so, and shower everything, and juz doze off. i was extremely tired and exhausted (not to mention hungry too) but i slept my hunger away. Plus, i didnt had any breakfast (as usual) and class today was from 9am till 1pm straight. Of course i had to eat lunch (else i'll get killed by hunger or my friends =p) so i ate the whole thing, and finished everyting. Only thing is, after lunch, while heading towards the atrium to do our WM thing, i really felt like puking. And only around a few minutes after i started, i had to go to the bathroom. There, everything that goes in, comes back out. Bleah! Still. i was feeling so weak, its almost similar as me not eating anything in the first place. I force myself to do some work till 3, and then whilst Shirlyn and Nell went off to go to work, i went on HOME. and sleep. and still hadnt eaten a thing, since the afternoon. Sigh. i should go look for food rite now. My stomachs' making a huge fuss over nothing. In fact, i think i ate a lot this week (and we're still going to seoul garden on fri O_o) and gah! i have no idea anymore. And my body aches and my head hurts (i dont know why i keep feeling nauseous lately) and i think i have to stop complaining. WM assignment is due next Fri and i think i've got to buck up. My Assignment 1 grade was really not VERY impressive at all. Ooh. Dont you just hate it when something you speculate seems to be coming true? Yeah, well i do. Extremely. I hate it when i'm right bout something when i absolutely dont want it to be.
msleah met a host at
10:05 PM
Monday, July 25, 2005
Myself, My Blog and...Myself?
Woot! Its been one year since i've started blogging. Lol. One year of crap, if i must say. I seem to be updating my blog more often eh? Well, nvm if no one reads it, i kind of enjoy bloggin these days, dont ask me why. I havent the slightest idea.
Initially, i wanted to say some things about my cat. But i'll juz make it short. MISTY I MISS U LOADSSS!!! ='( Even though u were entrusted to us from your previous owner (who has to shift to a new location) i've luubbbeeddd u ever since!! Waa. i'm only making myself more depressed. *sob sob sob sob* Pics of misty taken ages ago. *more sobs* ![]() ![]() *waaaaa!!!* rite. stop it. hmm. another thing is the other day, Munirah's drama? bumped into NJ! woot! imagine our surprise! Lol. but it was a fun evening, at least i get to see her again, no? GDF wasnt so bad today. Well not particularly good too, cuz sutha really screwed up her day, as she like to mention it. Didnt bring her design journal, sketch book, no research done, still havent printed out her editorial thing. Whoa, now that i'm listing it all down, it does seem like a lot of screw ups in one day. Anyway, i need to sort out my mind. Alot has been going on, but its only inside my head. and i havent share this 'thing' with another soul. Blog will be the first? Nah. Think i'll juz keep it bottled up. Argh. i'm feeling so.. not good rite now. emotionally that is. I know i'm torturing myself like this. Its happened in the past. ALOT. But i still keep doing it. When am i ever going to learn?! Hah. Well, lets not talk about depressing stuff. I'm going to Eileen's concert tmr evening, when its actually my sister's b'day!! -_- yea, i'm a bad sister. Well, the least is i'll probably go get her something while i'm outside. And, hmm. lets see. i'm meeting haz on thurs, ain on fri. so the only 'free' day i hav is on weds. wee~ maybe i can catch up on my slp then. OH! have i mention? i'm taking french lessons now. Lolz. I meant i'm taking french module every fridays, which shld be interesting, only that class will start at 8!! Can a zombie/panda/late-comer/lazy bugger like me make it?! We'll just have to wait and see...
msleah met a host at
9:47 PM
Friday, July 22, 2005
My Boss?
I got a new job yesterday. Personal Assistant. The pay? Hmm. i'm not quite sure about the pay yet though. I have yet to ask my boss. Being a personal assistant is not bad. I think it depends on who you're working for. My boss isnt that bad. It seems like we've been friends for quite some time now. Well, since i have to follow my boss around everywhere and help her out, we hang around till after work, and head down to coffee bean. Got ourselves some oreo cheesecake and a mud pie. Yummie! Well, had a long talk as usual. Luckily it wasnt the same topic it always was eh? Never mind. 3 hours spending time with your boss, after working hours. imagine that. But like i said, it wasnt so bad. To be honest, i had a blast.
Officially the end of common tests. Yeap. I'm not sure if its the end of me yet, or not. Ooh. Let's not go there. So, anyway, on my way home last nite, the moon was extremely pretty. Seriously. Here i go talking about the moon again, but i juz cant help looking up at the sky when i was walking back home in the middle of the night. Its really beautiful, i wish i had a camera with me back then. hmm. maybe tonight? Munirah has this drama thing going on tonight, so i'm not sure if i'm going. I'll wait for Azri to confirm things. Hmm. I guess that's about it. Ugh. Cant believe lesson/class's going to go on as usual starting next week. As unbelievable as it may sound, I'm already dreading it.
msleah met a host at
12:28 PM
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
The community of sleepy/high People
i would like to request for a membership to your community. It seems that i'm eligible for it, since i'm told tt people noticed i have met up the conditions needed. Sleepy-check. High-erm, yes, check. Out of my mind? Definitely.
A break at last. 2 papers hv gone (badly, if i must add) and 1 more to go. After that i'll be..hmm. i think i'll still be the same, cuz assignments are juz waiting around the corner, waving at me. See? i can see those freaks rite now, juz..er, rite. SO ANYWAY.. i'm extremely sleepy rite now (look at the time) and i'm juz about to doze off ani moment. IF NOT FOR MY LITTLE SISTER. long story-. anyway, the moon is nice tonite eh? er, i meant last nite. since that was when i last notice the moon aniway. oh ho. why am i talking bout the moon?! so ANYWAY, after a bad nite sleep last nite, i had to wake up early to get to sch asap cuz of GDF(juz now). even thou paper starts at 1.30PM. Reason why i went to sch early is cuz some members wanna do their things and pass up to me BEFORE my paper starts, so i had to sacrifice my slp, and travel time, juz to do my job. In the end, they cant complete what they wanted to, so i hv alreadi wasted a lot of stuff, and i get nothing in return. Right. BUT at least the guys were there. Haha. First thing they did was EAT (no surprise there..) and then STUDY time. "study". Time flies, paper starts, paper ends. (shall not mention anithing here) and then. TO GDF. Buy Materials, Cut, Spray, Mount. Took hours until around 5 plus. Try spending those hours in a room full of LAME people -_-' So it was time for me to hand in their works (about time) went up to the admin office, only to find tt they're already CLOSED. GOOD. HOW NICE. Cant hand in today. Whatever. At least i got to collect most of them today aniway. Handing in on Thurs then, i dont care if OSB's gonna whack me for this. Honestly, GDF is such a HASSLE! Rite. Time to wake my sister up. I hope, with this letter, you would consider my request upon gaining membership to join your community. Thank you.
msleah met a host at
4:35 AM
Wednesday, July 13, 2005
Mr. C
(one last post before the common tests)
Things change. All the time. Some people say without changes, there would be no excitement in life. Agreeable actually. Imagine, a world without changes, you go thru the same old things over and over again, its like yest=today=tomorrow. Anyway, people change. Nothing new there. Its either from good to bad, or bad to worse. I dont know why, but i cant seem to believe in people changing for the better. Even if they do. Its' hard for me. If people said i've changed, i'll immediately assume its for the worse. Its' a mindset i have. But i'm not here to talk abt ppl changing. I'm here cuz i've notice that my lifestyle has changed. It wasnt this way 3 years ago. The state of my room shall be the proof of my statement. Plus there's no such things as lunches at home anymore, going to bed by 12, watching TV, having fun, etc. Its all about work, work and more work. Oh, wait. I meant SCHOOL work. Yes. i'm still in sch. Somehow. Well, as much as i missed the good old days, i'll have to make full use of the lifestyle i'm leading rite now. If not, its gonna be such a hustle, not on anyone else, but myself. Live life to the fullest, they say. Easier said than done. I saw someone today. Someone whom i've not seen in ages (years? months?) and whom i was ALWAYS trying to avoid. I was extremely lucky he didnt saw me, even thou we crossed paths. Oh, lets not talk abt him, it brings back bitter memories. highlight of the day: fall flat on my butt. It's Jeremy's fault. Shall not elaborate more on this. unfortunate incident: my cat died. and i didnt even get to say goodbye. (was away in sch)
msleah met a host at
8:44 PM
Thursday, July 07, 2005
my old FRIENDS
ah. whatever. i'm juz gonna get back to my own world and not think and cry so much. like i said earlier. no point getting upset. nothings gonna change.
msleah met a host at
9:08 PM
Friday, July 01, 2005
well, updates again. and this one's gonna stay here for a while too, cuz i'll be too busy to update my blog in the near future. (its either more assignments, common tests, or i'm juz plain lazy)
anyway, today. well. lets see, i've finally completed my WM proposal. yes. thank goodness. and juz for this proposal, i had to go through a lot. no sleep, as usual. i didnt eat anything since the night before, and no, not even a panadol, which i'm suppose to take cuz i'm sick. didnt drink anything, so feeling a bit dehydrated. still have my flu. even NOW. cough. getting worse. but the thing is finally over and done with, that's all i care about. was late for class again today. i know. 1pm class and i can still come late. well its the proposal, i tell you. honest. whatever it is, today is the last photography lesson. no more cool photos? that's sad. but i don hv to worry bout being late again. next IS i'm taking is french. wonder how'll tt turn out since e class starts at 8AM. 0_0 i'm going to get some slp now. i'm juz tired already. and i'm lucky there isnt anything to do for GDF. if not, i'll seriously take a rain check. and to think that i still have to attend my aunt's wedding reception tomorrow, even in this sick condition that i'm in. its not like i'm not looking forward to it (hah. well, i'm not actually) but i juz wish that i can stay at home and rest for the weekend. and there's still simon's birthday thing. ugh. whatever, i'm not going to think too much right now. juz gonna get some sleep. zzz-zzZ
msleah met a host at
8:50 PM
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