I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
tanjoubi (juuhachi)
Sept 26 was my birthday.
and it was the day that i turn 10 years older. funny how just one day, makes you turn 10 (well, in reality 1) year older. so that means, 1 day = 365 days. special? i dont know. probably. and probably no one understands what i'm talking about. very much so. so. we 'merge' my b'dae celebration with a class trip. we went to the zoo! it was an almost complete class trip (excluding a few members) and we walked around and act like tourists (noisy ones) and took photos and walk, and stare at the animals, and walk some more. i drank alot yesterday. events that stood out was the incident with YJ (poor him) whose head was ... erm, lets just say he was really unlucky that day. oh alrite, i'll tell. he ended up with some droppings on his head by the time we exited the fragile forest. see? poor him, right? and he was having a bad time too at the beginning of the day. the other event was the horse. funny funny horse. something stood out. this one, i wouldnt even mention. but it cracks me up like crazy. and then, hmm, we walked and (the guys) took photos. alot of them i dont even know where to begin. hmm.. oh yeah, everyone wants me to take a photo with my (long-lost) friends, so i did. ![]() and then, i was picked out to hold a show about snakes, talking about their habitat etc. a zookeeper for one day. ![]() (alright, i was only kidding. my true words during that time was something alone the lines of "walao, faster take the picture larh!" - ugh, ugly pic. its the snake i tell u..) everyone else was too afraid to even come close to these animals. they'd only take photos with the sweet looking ones. here's the evidence: heri ![]() simon ![]() and they call themselves guys. (credit goes to bun for shooting and editing those photos) and so i'll let the rest of e pics speak for themselves. some are super cute. some are.. super something else. (credit goes to jeremy for taking the rest of these photos) ![]() this cool guy's having his lunch ![]() twins. who says we arent alike? ![]() kirei.. ![]() *perks up his ears* i thought i heard something - its e paparazzi ![]() hee-harw, watcha looking at?! ![]() (ahh, the sweetie thinks i'm his mummy. so sweet, arent they?) ![]() erh, hello! ![]() help! move that croc's humongous tail that's it i'm too lazy to upload anymore. for more pls visit the photographer's blog here. and i'm sorry for the lame comments. (oh and i juz realised something. if u ask my friends to describe me, i think the most common words that you'd hear would be 1.fierce 2. sarcastic 3. full of crap? maybe. i think its because i've been scolding them too much) well last of all, i'd like to thank ALL of those who wished me, who remembered, who took your time to send me an sms, or a tag, or anything else that tells me you're my friend. thanks to haz and ain for the dinner, so sweet of u guys, and yes, ain being there was a 'surprise'. thanx to my class for the zoo trip. thanx to my sisters for the sweet tiny things. thanx to wx for the one week early birthday 'cak
msleah met a host at
8:08 PM
Friday, September 23, 2005
i'm probably like one DAY late, but anyway, here' s a happy belated 18th birthday to NJ. All the best and hope u had loads of fun! Hmm, lets see, i dont really know what to blog about (more like i cant really remember! that's how bad my memory has been lately) but i'll do it for the sake of the archives. yeah, how weird is that?
anyway, went to catch Cinderella Man the other day, oh wait, it was just yesterday. yeah, so went to watch that movie which costs quite cheap than what i was expecting. only $6.50. only a true movie maniac/freak would understand. alrite, so back to the main point, i tink the only thing that we did was catch a movie and i had to head on home after that because of some physical problems. sorry yeah, but cant help it. anyway, i hope it didnt spoil your day. and well, i've just about immersed myself in some champloo-ness. somehow Jin reminds me of Kenshin. well, not that their personality are alike, its more of the physical attributes. or not. anyway, champloo is cool, i almost wish they had seconds. alrite so now, i really cant remember what i wanted to say/mention. anyway, here's what you have to do. yes, you. 1. take a look at the calendar, and note the date today. 2. move the cursor onto the 'about' section. 3. notice the second line. yup, the second one, and take note of that. 4. if you didnt know what i meant, never mind. i'm beating around the bush, obviously. PLUS i really had nothing better to do.. so anyway, i'll stop this nonsense. and do enjoy your weekends.
msleah met a host at
11:10 PM
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
nothing in particular
i feel so.. empty. dead? maybe. depressed? i hardly think so. bored? most likely. my intention of going to east coast for a cycle seems to go down the drain. reason? weather doesnt look so good these days, plus its hard to find a suitable company WHO IS FREE and WILLING. and i can only do it within these 2 weeks, this and the next. and obviously this week is out. i'll see what i can do. whoever would be so nice as to accompany me do some exercising(cycling) , do tell. i'm bored to my wits end. (gosh, i'd never thought i'd start advertising at my own blog)
umm, lets see. would it be alright if i went MIA? i think i need a vacation. and now that its actually the holidays, its about the right time for that. only thing i'm short on is, the cash. as usual. yes, even if i would like to go and look for a job now, its a bit pointless, seeing as how i'm only going to spend the whole month of OCT fasting. i'm sure many would think that it should be no problem, but i dont think my parents will be thrilled at the idea of me working whilst fasting. i'm not that thrilled myself, but i bet, i'd have lesser TIME to kill. at least i have something to do, plus i think i could use the cash. but unfortunately, that's not gonna happen, and i already have an idea of what my schedule for next month is. doesnt take a genius to figure it out. gah, i need some cheering up. and i miss my chocolates. havent had them in D A Y S (alright, excluding that piece of choc cake) once again, i feel so empty. or maybe its just my stomache.
msleah met a host at
10:02 PM
Monday, September 19, 2005
i shall find some time to blog. (shld i become a frequent blogger? considering the fact tt i'm always online -esp at night- maybe i should.. hoho)
SO. for the past few days, since exams are over, my time have been packed with activities. well, not that i'm ALWAYS busy. but i've been doing things since my last paper ended. when was that, thursday? it seems like a lifetime ago. hmm, if i can recall correctly, after the last paper, head over to CWP to meet ma closest ol' pal, Haz. i think it was a Swensens treat that time. Yes, it was.. Juz slack and chill and eat and talk. that's what we did that day. And then, Fri, head over to esplanade w Jiisan and walked around the whole CBD area. Yes, it was merely a marathon for ppl who never exercised in AGES. We were tourists that day, walked, took photos, did we eat? hmm, seeing that it was jiisan, i think we probably did. thou i cant remember much about it. Sat, went to Sentosa with Most of the 2M02 bunch. Yeah, i was the one in charge of their items, valueables, bags, etc etc. It was SUPER hot, and i even had some colour on my cheeks. Red colour, i meant. but at least it wasnt as bad as theirs. Should've seen those guys, They're as red as a lobster after the trip. Pictures are available at jiisan's blog here. Sunday, went for blood donation. FINALLY. i've been wanting to donate blood since wad? April this year? if i remember correctly that is. And i finally went for it. I LOVE the second needle where they juz poke it in ur arm, its actually very VERY .. er, nice? well, its no problem with me, i have no such fear of needles, blood, etc. Lucky me i guess, heh? Today, was actually supposed to be an OFF day. Meaning a day without activities and such. SO i accompany my sister to the library in the early afternoon. And then, after some sms-es and last minute plans later, i head over to Suntec to catch The Brother's Grim with that Wei Xuan. TOO bad the other Mei, who goes by the name of Eileen, wasnt able to make it. Oh, and a lil msg: sorry i watched this w/o u but you had some meeting and the chance came up so i grabbed it. Didnt mean to betray. *evil laughter* well, now that i'm here, would just like to wish LI TING a happy belated 18th birthday. Sorry i couldnt make it on Saturday, but i wish you all the best as well. Oh and dont forget to take your present from me. well, if you do, its your loss *winks*
msleah met a host at
10:07 PM
Thursday, September 15, 2005
h h holidayss s
it is official. i am now a free woman (like i've said on e previous post)
yes, i'm free. F r e e! ! hmm, maybe a little too free..?
msleah met a host at
11:05 PM
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
teh previous.. er, user?
alrite, that is it.
in late december 2004, saleha bought a new ... erk, alrite, i'll stop the grandmother story. but. for the past how many months that i've been using my phone, my NUMBER, i have been happily experiencing no problems. yup. none, yadda, zilch. d e m o (but), from the past few days(?) i now know that..
and i got woken up at 7.30am this morning because apparently my daughter has been involved in an accident at school. they DID inform me yest, so why again today? (wadever happened to the actual parent?!) and not only that, i picked up the phone, said to the 'teacher' that he got the wrong number, and then tried my best to fall back into a blissful, dreamless sleep. fat hope. next few minutes, felt & heard e vibration. take a look at the number(thou i'd already guessed), put the phone one side, and tried to ignore it. and then went in and out of conciousness. in the end, i gave up, took my lazy behind off my bed, checked e phone, and voila! 3 missed calls, and 1 message (which is e voicemail, no guesses needed). and so, this (stupid) thought juz came when i'm writing this.. i bet it was that guy who was pissed at me and purposely gave my number to all these wierd ppl, just cuz i nv... erm, rite, i shld stop flattering myself with these nonsensical thoughts. i'm too tired to say aniting animore. and i'm heading off to bugis later too. and i STILL havent finish my papers. after thursday, i'll be a free woman. *and the grandmother story ends here
msleah met a host at
10:00 AM
Saturday, September 10, 2005
The semester is nearing the end. This is where a rush of mixed feelings come about. You're happy to not have sch for a few weeks (who wouldnt be?) and yet, you know that you'd feel nothing but bored, once the holidays have started.
Plus, hardly being able to meet your friends during those periods would definitely play an effect. So, I'm here to just say thanks to a few people who have made the past 15 weeks a most enjoyable time, even with its own ups and downs. Thanx to: (Name according to class list) Bun for the French conversations. And amusing us with your lovely photographs. Jeremy for simply being the best Ojiisan. Adam for having the same pan, as our logo design. Callen for inviting me for a game of soccer. Eileen for being the one i'm always able to talk to. And those Saturday breakfasts. =) Heri for being the one to teach me a lot of crap. Shirlyn for the discounts at Starbucks. Simon for believing that I smoked. Jianda for taking care of Heri. May god bless you two lovebirds ;) Yong Jia for making me feel that I slack too much. Ivan for thinking we could forget our exams, and thus, you feel its your job to remind us. Sutha for making those rides to and from school a much enjoyable journey. JunJie for always picking a fight with me. And of course, for those Gundam share-ables. GuoQing for being.. GQ. Yip for providing the tissues in french class. And lastly to 2M02 for being the craziest, most childish and united class ever. Good luck for exams. And Have fun during the holidays. (And this is the part where i wish none of my classmates are reading my blog anymore. They'd think i'm crazy. Erm, but they'd already thought that, so nothing new there.)
msleah met a host at
6:59 PM
Thursday, September 08, 2005
i'm cranky cuz i'm hungry. and my sisters act like they did not have dinner (when they did). whereas i didnt have aniting since lunch (and mom complains, saying that i'm skinny, as it is -.-)
and now the noodles are gone, and THEY ate most of it, i hardly have a bowl's worth, even. i want REAL food. sigh. oh and first paper starts tmr. wish me good luck and all the best. i'm gonna need all the luck i can get. time to go to sleep.
msleah met a host at
11:48 PM
Friday, September 02, 2005
sweet smelling holidays?
ignore the last post, as usual its so full of crap.
i've just come to realize that today was the last day of.. school. waha! that is kinda.. weird. (and gosh, am i ever so tired. sigh. but i'm still gonna do this) so, today was the last of french. and my presentation was kinda 'bleaugh'. yeah. i was wearing bun's sweater (it was too cold, and i forgot to bring mine) and all the while i talked with my hands in the pockets? and thanx to someone in e class who DID NOT fail to mention that that's not a good gesture while doing presentation. RIGHT. like i didnt know it was meant to be shot at me. thanx, whoever you are, whatever your name is. and the test? well. lets just say. i have blanks blanks and more blanks. hur - hur. gah. alrite. was browsing thru oxy's blog. and found something interesting. P M S. which stands for Punish Men Severely. and i just HAVE to agree. cuz simply. during that time of the month, if its us girls who gets the moods, its the guys who got it (from us). NO MATTER WHAT. har har har! well, i think they kind of deserve it. cuz its kind of FUN. hee. well, not that i actually DO that alot, but yeah, i guess it happens. and exams are around the corner. and i just dont feel like studying? well. i KNOW i get a lot of Cs this sem. well. i lack interest this sem. ALOT of interest. okay. obviously i have nothing to talk about. i'll just put some random thoughts here and there. 1. JUST because i had to see that toopid erk after ages, and had practically NO reaction. It doesnt MEAN i wanna see im everyday for the days to come. THANX. so no MORE of im please. (someone's been trying to test my patience alot lately) 2. Lovely lovely friends who thinks about me. Yay. i love u. because it seems to me ppl in that category are decreasing rapidly. yeah. cuz now, more ppl are just under the category of 'someone who only labels themselves as saleha's friends'. and that's about it. and nothing else. 3. I hate sore losers who cant move on. Yes, i said losers. and i DID say Move on. just move on already. -mat ta ke.. 4. exams. exams. exams. 5. holidays. holidays. holidays. (wow, this one ended abit longer. and i just put it there to make me feel better. unfortunately, it doesnt work. Oh, well.) next post shall be the one dedicated to my class. ha ha. crazy me, as usual. i like that post. its so funny. /edit: happy 18th birthday to SHIRLYN LEE and XUE 'ER. happ-e happ-e birthday to you.. /edit
msleah met a host at
11:19 PM
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