I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Have you ever wondered what its like to switch places with your sibling? Probably not, or even if it did occur once, it will most likely be at that instance where you're thinking "I wish I was (insert sibling's name here) because he/she gets to do (insert the thing you're envious of here) and I can't, because (insert likely reason here). Right, does that made even the slightest bit of sense?
Anyway, I've always wondered what its like if I was, instead of being the eldest, the youngest in the family. FIRST, Lets get something clear here. I absolutely despise attention. I'd be the one who likes to be in the background, blends in the crowd and not stand out too much. Especially in public. SO. I'm wondering, if I was the youngest, would I still be the same person as I am today? Would I be craving for attention? I can imagine what its like in the family. I'd be called by my (elder) sister(s) and be asked to do this (and do that, bring this and that etc), I'd be deprived of some privelages, I'd hardly understand half of the conversation my sisters are having. Because, truthfully (and shamefully, I admit) this is what I noticed happened to my youngest sister. But really. She will forever be the youngest, act the youngest in the family. If I compare my A weird post, eh? Yeah, I knew I should've chosen a course that was along the lines of Sociology. Oh well. [Off-topic] I would like to transform my flabs into abs. (What's with all the italics?!)
msleah met a host at
1:35 AM
Monday, October 17, 2005
Laptop (Again?!)
Actually I had a long long long post prepared in my head. A really long update.
But something else came up. Let's oversee the fact that I just went back to Mel to had my laptop (or in this case my CD-ROM drive) repaired. So yes, I'm happy that I can now get back to watching my DVD-Rs again. But now another situation came up. Somehow, there's some system problem, which I have no idea what it's all about. And the worst thing is I didnt know the source of that problem. I'm just happily watching my show on Windows Media Player and then suddenly, some Window Error Pop up came up. And I've been re-starting and trying to figure out how to end this nightmare. Actually I'm in the midst of doing it. Hah, still spare some time to update this blog. Ah, well. Its too bad. I really wanted to update about something else altogether. Lets just hope I can somehow survive through this ordeal right now. /edit: I didnt. Reformatted everything and suddenly it's all clean and new. Too clean. I've just come to realise that everyting is gone, my bookmarks; my codecs; my file. OMG. My most most impt text FILE! ugh. and I want my songs back!! =( My personal notebook (which I admit I've taken for granted) is gone. Sadly, its not personal anymore.
msleah met a host at
2:53 PM
Friday, October 07, 2005
The Poor Boy
okay kill the last post
hmm, i meant the last p o s t - e r cuz its none other than miSzmeSz who typed that one. anyway, i have one last story to tell before i take my leave (woot) i've been wanting to tell this in a long while so here goes..(with very very very rusty english) 'She sat silently in the hot and dready bus, whilst staring off into space.A group of girls were doing what girls normally do when they get together - gossip. Their loud voices and shrieky laughters can be heard over the sound of the bus's engines. Even though she can barely understand what they're saying, she was hardly giving them any attention. Instead something caught her attention. The passenger on the front looks like he was about to alight the bus. Without him knowing it, something (in blue) seemed to slip off from his pocket. She noticed it. But she wasnt the only one. The young boy in school uniform who's been sitting beside the old man humbly picked it up with the intention of returning that tiny possession back to its owner. Being oblivious, the old man didnt even notice the young boy calling out "uncle! uncle!" And since the boy was sitting exactly near the bus's exit, he decided to put his head through the small railing so that he could pass the object easily to the old man, who's already standing at the exit, waiting for the bus driver to open the door. And when the bus driver finally did open the door, the boy's head, unfortuntely was stuck between the door and the railing. He did what any other person in pain would do. Shout. And all through out the entire incident, she was just sitting there, staring blankly at the boy, the number people who quickly rush out to help him, the panic-stricken bus driver , the old man who'd already alight the bus, the shouts, the questions, the curious glances from the other passengers, the loud girls finally being quiet.. Watching as though it was just a movie. And she, being the closest to the boy (just one seat behind) did nothing. Just watch.' Well. There you have it. Long story, and i'm glad to say the boy is fine in the end. He was lucky he got away with nothing much, just the shameful incident, and probably a slight bruise.
msleah met a host at
11:05 PM
Thursday, October 06, 2005
Me & You & Me & All Together..
The Owner Of This Blog Has Gone Into Hibernation Mode For The Next Three Weeks.
(In other words i'm gone gone gone on a holiday-"Overseas")
msleah met a host at
3:53 AM
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