I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
i juz realized that my last post was ages ago. many many many weeks ago in fact. and alot has indeed happened. but i'm juz too lazy or busy or, there's always a reason why i didnt update. anyway, my cousin (or my niece, to be exact, though she's many many years older than me) just got married last weekend and it was indeed a celebration. Though there were some setbacks, but all in all, i ate alot that day. I shouldnt complain, but let's just say i had more than 3 meals on that Sunday. Yeah.
And I am FINALLY going to finish my web. Oh, its a school assignment that i'd have to wreck my brain. But i'm going to try to complete it by tonight. Though the dateline's on Fri, if i complete it tonight, then i dont hav to bring my laptop to school tomorrow, and I dont even need to come to school on Friday. Wee. That is IF i manage to make it happen. AND i still have many many many more projects on my list. I cant wait for the 2 week break On week 8&9. 3 more weeks to go..
msleah met a host at
8:41 PM
Friday, November 18, 2005
Top Secret Files
I'll be honest. I'm too lazy to update anymore. But i'll still do so, because people like me, cant stay quiet for long. In the end, we juz cant help opening our mouths. Or our mind, to think.
First things first. My deepest regret for not being able to join the girls on their jalan raya today. I was looking forward to it too, but unfortunately, i had to rush home as something really emergency came up. Went to visit someone v dear to me and it was heartbreaking to see her condition that way. Second things second. Assignments are the top secret files. They are piling up increasingly that, even when i'm suppose to be out enjoying myself, the assignments juz kept nagging at me from the back of my head. This is what I'd call extreme. I dont even feel like watching videos anymore. Everything that I find interesting and helps me relax in the past does not work anymore. Paranoia. Third things third. I would love to stay over at Kinokuya bookstore all day long. I actually wished it was a library instead of a bookstore because the books there are so.. my type! I really want to read all of them, but its not like i have the time anymore. And supposedly, eating junk food tend to make you have a hyper and cranky lifestyle. Especially when your consumption rate of junks are way over than that of your normal meal. And someone says, that is me. So apparently I am leading a hyper and cranky lifestyle. Hmm, i guess that should leave me thinking for quite some time. But at least my mind still functions normally. Well it should..
msleah met a host at
11:45 PM
Monday, November 14, 2005
here and there
so i went out for the jalan raya yest with most of the E3 and E4 peeps. Yati did mention that this year, it wasnt as 'meriah' as the last. well, maybe i couldnt agree more? i thought there were suppose to be more who's suppose to arrive, but oh well. All in all, by the end of the day, i guess it was alright. Though of course there were some things that i wasnt satisfied with. Those two, whose story is never going to end, and i have JUST got to stop being the middle person, or whatever it is i'm treated as. I've had it.
And the most 'happening' thing that happened today was that Sutha brought me to Lil' India after school. I am NEVER trusting her on buses again, its always going somewhere else. And the thing is, we were already halfway towards woodlands larh, at bukit panjang there. Bleah, but being with Sutha, you cant help laughing it all away. Now I know I'm never included on some stuff. Maybe I shouldnt expect to? But like my sis once said, its nice (and better-for us) to be invited and we had to turn down the invitation, rather than not being invited at all. Ooh. And guess what? The good news is - I've finally got my laptop back. Bad news is - nothing is in there anymore, they've replaced the harddisk. Now I've got to re-download and reinstall everything, only thing is, I dont even know what to install. I've forgotten everything that was actually in there. But nvm, i'll survive through this. Movies (i'm going) to watch (yeah, the movie fanat-ism is back) -Harry Potter and the goblet of fire (anticipated movie.. of the year?) - Aeon Flux (who can miss out on Charlize Theron?) - The Chronicles of Narnia - The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe - Wallace & Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit - Chicken Little Some others worth mentioning: (?) Pride and Prejudice, Prime, and many more others i cant remember. Oliver Twist maybe? AND i think i saw King Kong. My reaction? Er.. rite.
msleah met a host at
10:27 PM
Wednesday, November 09, 2005
It's Always You YoU YOU!
wohoo, i'm here again. unbelieavable? yeah i know. wait till i made a comeback on MSN. should be one event i'm looking forward to.
anyway, this time, i'm going to talk about myself. nah, not that i'm gonna brag, or boast or anything like that (i dont love myself that much) just clarifying myself, that's all. alright, where do i start? lets see.. if you were to ask my classmates to describe me, one word that you'll sure hear them say is fierce and sarcastic and.. all the bad stuff that you can mention. But they know I love them, and I know they love me (yeah right!).
msleah met a host at
8:39 PM
Monday, November 07, 2005
i'm stealing some precious time off some precious computer to blog. hah. well, that wld be the case until i get my precious laptop back.
lets see, i'm starting to get this weird feeling that everything i took for granted is gonna be taken away from me, one by one. Yes, i know i took things for granted, and lots of them too, especially when you're used to having it all the time. One day, its gone and like it or not, it changes you, one way or another. Weird, huh? And another thing is that i think i'm neglecting something and yet, giving my attention to the wrong end of the stick here. I cant help myself, even though i dont really know why i did those things. Oh plus, my whole body was aching, i cant sit down properly. Anywhere. My bottom hurts. My arm hurts (too much badminton), my abdomen hurts, my leg hurts, everywhere. My sister has this healthy living craze going on, and she keeps doing all these exercises of which i'm dragged into. You see, she thinks she's "fat". When in reality, she's only about 2kg heavier than me. Yeah. That's the new definition of fat, ladies and gentlemen. I gave up trying to make her see some sense a long time ago. I've still got some more to pen down, but i'm afraid it just wont make any sense (like all of those written above) so i'll stop here until i get time to use this precious thing (called the computer) again. Till then.
msleah met a host at
7:40 PM
Friday, November 04, 2005
gone gone gone
truthfully, i dont really like it when i happen to visit someone's blog only to find that it hasnt been updated in a long long long while. Like why bother with it in the first place?
and unfortunately, i've become one of them. Well. Its not really a matter of choice, and even if i wouldnt update my blog on a daily basis, at least i'll update it weekly. But, i have been unable to do that after i've got to learn to live without internet access, without a computer, without a laptop etc. Yeah, the laptops's gone kaput! along with my computer at home-a short while after my laptop has gone to pieces. So i'm gone and will be back only .. when i'm back. Anyway, here's a late Hari Raya and Deepavali. And welcome back to sch ya'll. (Bleah)
msleah met a host at
11:34 PM
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