I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Sunday, January 29, 2006
New Series
WARNING: If you are not particularly an avid fan of anything J-related, I suggest you not read this post. Post may contain erm.. unwanted comments (?!). Read it at your own risk.
JDramas Gachibaka!- Got the first episode, Kioku subbed version. This story reeks too much of GTO, so no originality there. If you don't pay any attention to the story from the beginning, it's going to make your head spin. The story moves too fast, although you'd probably understand what happened just by guessing. So I'd say it lacks development. BUT, maybe I'll continue with this series since Tegoshi Yuya (who plays Utsugi Minoru) is just too cute in that show. I know many would watch it because of Masu, he's not bad as well, but Tegoshi is just cuter. Sis says she just feels like pinching his cheeks, since he's so chubby. I commented that his chubbiness is similar to Yamapi (Akira in Nobuta wo Produce). Only after I did some digging that I realized that they belong to the same "boyband", NewS (I'm still quite new to JEntertainment, you see). N's Aoi (Nurse Aoi)- I like the first episode, its pretty cool. Even though it revolves around a nurse's life, I don't think its that bad. Sis says its pretty fast paced as well, but I didn't really notice it. (I mean, in Gachibaka, one day can last for only 2 seconds!) Koyama Keiichiro (another NewS member) is one of the cast, but I'm not watching because of that. Its more of wanting to see how Satomi handles this one. Saiyuuki- Okay, at first I think it looks weird. This is probably the Live-action Drama, but I haven't had the chance to do further digging. I'd probaby download it to see how good it is. I mean Sanzo is a GIRL! Weird cast, if I may say. But I think somehow I'm going to change my mind sooner or later and think that its kind of cool. We'll see about that. Kimi wa Petto- I'm halfway through the series, and its weird-to the point that it can get sort of disgusting. Momo can be pretty cute sometimes, but other times Sis would keep saying "He's not cute at all!". What kind of career woman, would take an injured boy to live as a pet?! Still, I don't like leaving a series hanging so I'd complete it, just for the sake of watching it till the end. Byakuyakou is another one of the new series in queue this season. Dark drama, I'd love to watch the first episode, but the size is 1Gb. I might as well wait till the series ends and get the whole thing then. Animes Fate/Stay Night- I know this series comes from a game, but it's actually pretty good! The only thing that sorts of put me off is Shiro declaring to be the hero of justice. Its not that I think i ts wrong, but to keep repeating it over and over again, it gets kind of annoying. Maybe its just me, but I think over time, I'd probably get used to it. Saber is sort of cool, and I just have this feeling that Shiro can get a little too fond of her. Characters aside, the story is not hard to understand, but it can get quite complicating with all the rules and details of the Holy Grail War. Other than that, it's pretty fascinating, especially the duel scenes. Others No more J-related. I came across Wordpress, but I don't really know what it is. It has something to do with the template of the site, layout etc. that much I know. I think I should probably do more digging. Animation assignment is due by the end of this week. School is just too cruel to not give us a chance to relax during the public holidays. I have seriously nothing to say. I'm thinking of revamping this site (url and all) some time soon. Maybe I'd wait till May or then, but yeah, it should have a new blog address (not sure if I'd still use blogspot, but I'd probably stick to it, because of all the archives), a new layout, new everything (?). Anyway, all I know is that this blog needs a change, but I can't really guarantee its going to happen anytime soon. I pretty much can't guarantee anything at all, at this point of time. Lastly, Happy CNY to those who are celebrating. Gong xi gong xi.
msleah met a host at
6:05 PM
Thursday, January 26, 2006
King of E
Actually, I think this week was worse than the last. I keep embarrassing myself in public, all the small little things that other people would consider harmless. Its still embarrassing to me, but its through my ignorance that I manage to look like I'm fine with it. Whilst inside, I'm replaying the incident over and over again, blaming myself for looking stupid in public.
So other's are starting to have their exams soon, I'm still in the middle of projects. Exams will be held at the end of the month, fortunate or unfortunately for me. Having two papers do has its pros and cons. I can say that FYP is not in my favour. Be it the supervisor, the project I'm stuck with, and everything related to it. But like I've mentioned earlier on, no use complaining. CNY holidays next week, meaning a long weekend, I'm looking forward to it. Back to my book, I'm resuming reading! I'm surprised myself...
msleah met a host at
10:22 PM
Monday, January 23, 2006
Yakitate dai suki!
I soo love Yakitate, cute, funny and extremely yummy. I'll laugh and at the same time start feeling hungry too. Love their sense of humour.
Went for a jog and just realised how many years its been since my last run. I couldn't even last a decent distance. Must start running again, I sort of miss the adrenaline.
msleah met a host at
11:00 PM
Friday, January 20, 2006
Childhood Memories
Finally my lifestyle can be resumed. Time to hit NORMAL mode. For the past 48 hours, I've been stuck on the computer doing whatever I can to finish up my VID project, which I would have to hand in by 5pm, just now. I was so focused on meeting the deadline, that I forgot.
When I stepped out of the house, I realize that my life has just been revolving around OASIS all day and night. When I stepped out of the house, I forgot that it was a Friday, and not just the day I'm suppose to be handing in my work. I forgot that it was 3pm, where everyone's on their way home from school, and not just a few hours before the deadline. If its too complicating, what I meant was that I forgot that it was actually just another day of the week, and not the DAY-I-HAVE-TO-FINISH-MY-WORK only. If I keep looking at the clock, my mind would think this way "Okay, its already 5am. Only ___ hours left till deadline. ", not "Oh its 5am, let's start a new day!" My sleeping hours? The times that I was asleep (during the past 2 days) was from 6.30 till 9. AM Which reminds me, I should be asleep now. Everyone else (my sisters) is already in Lala Land. Even skipped Thurs' class, which is BA (9-12), but I hope we don't miss anything much. For the moment, I can rest over the weekend, which is a really huge relief. But its only temporary as there would be more assignments coming up. BA, and VID project 3. I'm lucky there's no more assignments for PM (except for some tests, I think), SA (Just some Practicals to get some CA marks), ISDT (only left with exam now). It's about time I go crazy. I'm surprised I'm stil quite sane. So anyway, let's leave the projects/assignment talk aside. Lately I keep seeing random people from my past. My Primary school, madrasah.. etc. I recognize faces easily. VERY easily. Even if I were to forget your name, it is most unlikely that I would forget your face. Unless of course, if you went for plastic surgery. But normally, things would go this way for me. Since I remember faces, I remember who they were. So if I were to come up to them and suddenly said "Hi, its been a while" they'd just stare at me and give me a blank look. I could almost guarantee that. That blank look that says "Erm, do I know this person from somewhere..?" Yeah, I know I don't make a significant impression on other people. I'm most likely to be forgotten after the few years that you don't see me. It happens, since I'm not the type that stands out anyway. But I'm fine with it though. All of a sudden, on the bus ride to school today (just for handing up the assignment) I started feeling nostalgic. I miss walking along the sidewalk, with my humongous bag on my back, and my sister at my side, heading towards our parents to take us home from school. I miss those boxed lunches in the canteen, where you get packed lunch from home, and eat in school without needing to spend so much money. I miss those tiny little "friendship" books where you pass it to all your friends, so that they could write something about themselves in it, for memories' sake. I miss not having to care about what was going on in there world, as long as I am friends with ... I miss the fact that we would all just smile and get along with one another, even if there were some things that we disagree about. I miss those fun group talks, where everyone will share their secret crushes, and who has a thing for who. Finally, I miss the innocence. My days back in primary school was fun. I miss my P1-3 class. My closest friends includes girls and these 2 boys, and I only remember certain names briefly and a very fading memory of what everyone looks like. I miss them. Btw, I love The TRAX's Over The Rainbow (Piano and Rock Version, both) and TRF's Overnight Piano Dream. Been on repeat mode since I got a hold of them.
msleah met a host at
9:52 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Just discovered The TRAX. Love them.
Ah~ I need my dose of animes and JDramas. It has not been my week at all. Alright, back to VID.
msleah met a host at
12:11 AM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
I know I'm suppose to do my VID now. But I just love my current MSN and my desktop and ... a lil something I did with photoshop (been playin alot with it recently).
Anyway pictures.. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Edited some other photos but.. er, its a picture of me, so we'll just leave that one out. Updated for two consecutive days? Miracle?
msleah met a host at
11:11 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Bad Choices
Yare yare.. See, I knew I was this close to depression. Just read my email, and apparently I'm up for IHP. Disappointing, but there's really nothing that can be done. I mean I'm not satisfied with how the whole system works, but even if I voice out my disatisfaction, nothing will change, or can be done. So, I guess I'll just go with it. Plus, the amusing thing is, my supervisor, is actually my tutor. Mr Mani. HAH!
Saw the email's subject (IHP Confirmation) then read the sender (Mani)... Give me a break already, I don't need all of these. I'm making effort to do my VID project, I find it extremely difficult, but I'm going to have to give it another try again later. Its not like I have a choice. Seems like I'm out of choices alot recently. Oh well, I guess that's life. Can't something nice happen to me, for once?
msleah met a host at
7:10 PM
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Return of the Garbage Talk
(OMG some strange sound just came from my laptop, I hope nothing destroys itself again. I'll only get a headache.)
Yes. So I've got a few random things off my mind that I just have to type it out. First of all, I hate the 913 bus route. I've always had a hard time figuring out where to alight, everywhere looks the same, its Woodlands Circle, but STILL! And I still remember the times when I'd take 913 at night. Of course, I remember how much I hated it. It's too dark and there's not enough lighting. Or maybe it's just me and my no-sense-of-direction. Its not the first time I've alight at the wrong stop. Walking from the interchange (only if its Admiralty) is much more faster and uncomplicating. That is why I NEVER took 913 anymore. Today was an exception because I had plans with my sister. But that was just it. Plans. Obviously, I stopped at the wrong bus stop. Which was the one that was nearest to my house. We were suppose to go somewhere for dinner, but I, miraculously, ended up at THE bus stop. My house. So, I'm never EVER going to take the bus at night anymore, especially 913. I think its safer walking, though, I know many would disagree. There's not enough lighting, like I mentioned earlier. So its creepy, its dark, but I'd rather walk home. (Which, logically is much much more dangerous, but I don't care) So of course I did notice that it's been raining a lot for the past few days. But I didn't really give any second thoughts as its normal to have rain in Singapore. I didn't know though that some other countries are experiencing their worst winter ever. Temperatures up to -40*C or should I say as low as -40 degrees celsius. And countries that are not experiencing the cold, would get rainfalls instead, which would cause landslides and etc. It's really disasterous. And as usual, I know nothing about it until yesterday. Sheesh, I'm always left behind when it comes to important news. I should really start making an effort to keep myself updated. And finally, I'm going to get my last episode of Nobuta! These past few days, I've got no mood to do anything, except watch Nobuta. So yes, my VID, again, is erm.. put aside. Which is wrong of me, I know. But I can't motivate myself enough, or have enough ideas and things like that. I just needed NWP to fill my Nobuta craving. And so sadly, I'll watch the last episode soon. Afterwhich I would have to return to VID, so it is indeed a sad occasion. I want more "NOBUTA POWER CHUU NYU!" and Akira's "Kon Kon". Oh well, I'm just looking forward to creating that wallpaper (more like modifying/editing) for my desktop. But obviously, I'd have to complete all my other assignments first before being able to do that. It's been a while since I've been photoshop-ing. Oh and I think its about time this blog gets a new layout. But I like this too much, though I have to admit, this layout has been here for quite long, a little more than 6 months I think. Oh, one more thing. Please allow me to read some of your books, Simon! My English is getting terrible each day. Preview: Next entry of garbage talk will definitely include stress talk. (I'm not that stressed now, but somehow I can just see it coming. I'm SURE its going to happen, I'm psychic that way) Look forward to it! (Yeah, right)
msleah met a host at
8:16 PM
Friday, January 06, 2006
I have decided. I will try to post longer entries in this new 2006. Like real. How much longer can my posts get these days? So, I shall decide to post much more often. If I could. If I suddenly have the urge to blog or rattle or babble or just spout garbage on the net. Whatever you call it. But since my life is bleak, don't expect any "Today, I did this this this.. and that happened.." posts from me. Because, if I were to do that, the only things you'd read here would be "I went to school.. classes, as usual, were such a bore.. ate too much junk.. stare at the computer for too long.." Boring isn't it?
Unless of course something different happened. Like the fact that King Kong was my first movie of 2006. I'm slow, I know, since I watched it only yesterday. Sitting in the cinema for three hours could bore you. If you're watching the wrong show. But K-K was nice. My bladder disagree though. All I can say is that I was restless for the last hour of the movie. I am still waiting for any kind soul that would gladly watch Narnia with me. Everyone I know has watched it and telling me "Oh, it was a great movie..." Yes, I know. That's why it's on the top of my to-do list. (I think I've got to set my priorities right. VID project should be on top of that list.) I would able to do it as soon as I find the right people. Most likely it's going to be my sisters. So for the past few hours, I've been amusing myself by reading random blogs. I never have time to read blogs. Unless they're interesting, I'd skip it. Alright, to be honest, I'd rather spend time watching JDramas/Animes/Whatever else I have on my HD than reading blogs. Reading about other people's lives is interesting once in a while, but you'll get bored if the writing style is the same everywhere you go. Ah, there, I'm spouting nonsense, I don't even understand half of those words I've just typed. So I was thinking. Do you call people who eat junk food almost everyday (like me) junkies? I'd have cravings for cream puff or waffle one day, then chocolate the next. And then it would be ice-cream, or twisties or any other chips. Then it would be Old Chang Kee's Curry Puffs. Well, you get the idea. People would give me that weird look(usually scornful) whenever I told them I'd like to eat one of the above written for lunch. Yes, lunch. Normally people eat rice or noodles or fish and chips. But not me. If I have a choice, I'd only eat normal dishes when I have the craving for it. Like pasta. But if I'm in school, my classmates will just FORCE me to eat. Yes, it'd be "I don't care if you have no cash, use my money first, pay later. As long as you eat" Or "Can you please eat something real? No such thing as dessert" Yes, I'm suffering in school because of food. I haven't had the time to take out the weighing scale yet. I just hope there won't be any surprises. I hate surprises. I think I seriously have to stop stuffing food down my throat, especially now that I do not exercise anymore. Think I should go on a diet? (Ah, I hear people saying things like "Diet?! You of all people?!" or "Are you out of your mind?! You don't need to go on a diet, I DO!". Yeah, those very familiar words of wisdom) I've just heard that weekend is not going to be so free. Ah, its too bad, I always love to slack during the weekends. Catch up on tv shows or sleep or whatever other activity that falls under the "slack" category. Heading over to my Aunt's place for her open house. Is it the festive season already? Alright, here is something interesting. I'm sure you all will enjoy it. Things I should be ashamed about. I only know of Hari Raya Haji falling on 10th Jan, last weekend. I don't know what's malay for 'constipation'. I've been having more food cravings. (Even a pregnant lady could lose to me) My stomach's beginning to show. (Even a pregnant lady.. okay, that is just too much) I have not started on my soon-to-be-dued assignments. Ah~ All I want, is to continue with my Nobuta wo Produce drama, but the download is extremely slow. I'm downloading RAWS, which surprisingly, has a bigger filesize than subbed versions. I'd download Subbed ones if I can find it, but no. And I've only finished Ep 1, but am waiting desperately for Ep 2, which is taking forever (actually, no, since I've only started downloading it today). Ice cream on Swensen's. Pizza Hut. Burger King. Seoul Garden. Those few just crossed my mind. I have to STOP thinking about food. It's unhealthy for me. Oh something stinks. It's either my mouth.. or .. I think its my foot. (Gross!) That's the end of today's Garbage. Stay tuned for more on the next episode of.. Garbage Talk By Ms S. (Although only the insane people would do that)
msleah met a host at
11:23 PM
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Weird Wednesday
Wednesday is strange. Weird. Abnormal. Plus many other things that goes along that line.
I'm tired. I was almost approached by a drunkard guy, and it was obvious from my reaction that I was shocked/surprised/afraid (?). I practically had to peel my eyes off some look-alike. And that is so weird. I have no idea why my eyes are glued to that particular __________. It is a mystery. I think I was acting weird for the whole day of today. Ever since I stepped out of the house. I was daydreaming?! I'm just speechless. Hello projects. Goodbye sleep. (Forgive me for today's post. Even whatever that I've type here sounds weird.)
msleah met a host at
12:10 AM
Monday, January 02, 2006
First and foremost, lets all welcome a brand new 2006. I hadn't really thought much about it, for me, its not really that big a deal. Probably a new year, but nothing much change, at least not drastically, not immediately. And yes, for most people, new resolutions. For others, brand new year, but same resolutions.
So, when one night, I really gave a thought about this 2006, the one thing that came to me was.. "I'm going to be 20 next year. . ." I know!! Absurd isn't it? It's so ridiculous. I mean who, in their right minds would think such a thought at the beginning of a new year? Yeah, only me, I think. I can be so ridiculous some time. But anyway, it got me thinking. Sometimes, we take our lives for granted. We forget the main reason we're here for. Because of our lifestyle, we sometimes forget our main goal in life, if we even have one in the first place. It's become such a routine that things that were once special, and unique or fun, becomes boring. That's how we humans are, isn't it? Only when we are let go of something do we realize how much we depended on it, or how much we treasure it. There I go, babbling some nonsense that no one wants to read. But, I guess its the facts. What are we doing here? What am I doing? What do I do after school? After graduation? Work? Get paid? Money? For what? Food? Items? Clothes? For what? To live? I guess its true, that over here, you need money for everything. So, basically because of that, everyone has a goal. To get work, so that you get paid, so that you can buy whatever stuff you want with it. Without money, you can't really live here. I'm thinking of moving out of Singapore sooner or later. . .
msleah met a host at
2:48 PM
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