I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
![]() |
![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
return-August 2004 return-September 2004 return-October 2004 return-November 2004 return-December 2004 return-January 2005 return-February 2005 return-March 2005 return-April 2005 return-May 2005 return-June 2005 return-July 2005 return-August 2005 return-September 2005 return-October 2005 return-November 2005 return-December 2005 return-January 2006 return-February 2006 return-March 2006 return-April 2006 return-May 2006 return-June 2006 return-July 2006 return-August 2006 return-September 2006 return-October 2006 return-November 2006 return-December 2006 return-January 2007 return-February 2007 return-March 2007 return-April 2007 return-May 2007 return-June 2007 return-July 2007 return-September 2007 return-October 2007 return-December 2007 return-January 2008 return-February 2008 return-March 2008 return-April 2008 return-May 2008 return-June 2008 return-October 2008 return-March 2009 return-April 2009 return-May 2009 Request
MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Friday, March 31, 2006
End of the Party
You know how they say that when you hang around the same people for a long time, their personality traits will, little by little, rub off on you?
Well, I think its true. Because, even if others don't really notice, or if it isn't really noticable, I have definitely been rubbed off. For one, I'm a much more slobby person. I'm more forgetful. I'm more sarcastic. I'll speak up more. (Well, not quite, but at least, I dont keep quiet all the time) I'm not disciplined at all anymore. I'm eating alot. Food, junk, deserts, anything that is edible. So now, I need to find people who are:- (i) health freaks, or people who wants to be physically fit. (So that I can go jogging, and keep fit, myself) (ii) neat freaks. (So that my room won't be in such a mess anymore) and make them my friends. I don't know how to cure forgetfulness, or rudeness. I need a "Be Polite, Less Sarcastic" lesson. I need friends who can get me to do more fun stuff. With less cash. I don't need more friends who'll force me to use the last of my cash whenever we're out. I have plenty of those. That is why I'm broke all the time. And can't pay my bills. I need to save cash for the bills. BIllls BillS BILLS. Ah, stop being choosy already. I guess I'm lucky to have friends, with this kind of attitude/personality.
msleah met a host at
6:34 PM
HQ Images
I went through the net. And came across this awesome Bleach goodie.
Goody, Goodie, Goodiessss! ![]() Don't they just look so cool? And some other lovely lovely images as well. Plus, I've got this lovely lovely beatiful track from RK. I think I'm gonna upload it here soon. Oh and I'm thinking that for each "His" on this layout, I should change it to "Her". Plus, I haven't been replying to any of the tags. Sorry bout that, but its just that.. I'm rude. Okay, so maybe I'm just plain lazy. But I appreciate all the tags anyway. I promise I'll reply the next ones. Really.
msleah met a host at
12:16 PM
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
Fools In Love
Well are there any other kind of lovers?
Is there any other kind of pain? Are there any creatures more pathetic? Never knowing when they've lost the game Fools in love they think they're heroes 'Cause they get to feel no pain I say fools in love are zeros I should know Because this fool's in love again
msleah met a host at
11:51 PM
Song Beneath The Song
Grey's Anatomy rocks. Its a really good drama series that has all the sisters hooked. Its fun, and dramatic, and.. fun. Now, instead of waiting for a whole week to watch episode by episode, we're watching it at least, an episode a day. If anyone happens to watch, look out for Christina. Her role is really really entertaining.
Lost is coming back this Thursday. I love watching Lost, although I didn't really catch every episode of the first season. I'll watch it if I have a chance, but I can't wait for Season 2. Another drama for the week. I love watching these dramas. Well, I love watching them more than reality tv, that's for sure. I especially hate Fear Factor. They should rename it to Disgusting Factor or something. Really. It's not fear of the challenges. It the disgusting-ness of it. Okay, so back to the topic, I love watching dramas. But only when I watch it episode by episode. Because, if I miss, say, like 4 episodes, I will have no idea what's going on anymore. And then it would not be fun. And I'd eventually stop watching the series. Yeah, that's me. So, in the end, I miss out on good shows like Smallville, One Tree Hill, The OC (?) etc. And I'm loving GA's Soundtrack by the way. They have really cool songs.
msleah met a host at
12:00 AM
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Potions For Mind
So I'm here again. There should be plenty of topics for me to ramble on about, but I have got no mood for long posts again. Firstly, APM the other night just does NOT rock. I don't know what's so interesting about it. To me, its just like awards for wannabes instead of talents. Fine, there may be some talent here and there, but mostly its just wannabes. And the costumes? What is up with that? Everyone practically looked fat in the clothes that they're in.
Second, is I'm happy with the simple life that I have. People nowadays, who may call themselves muslims, but don't act like one. Everyone's forgetting their places, I don't even know what to say anymore. I don't really hang out with Malay people most of the time, and I don't really act like one simply because.. I do not want to be a wannabe. Yeah, that's right. Total wannabe. Come on, drinking? Clubbing? Sex? Whatever. Hate me if you must, but I'm just stating the facts. Last. I think memories are sometimes better left as memories, right? I found something. That I've always held close to my heart. But finding back lost things may not always be pleasant. So now, I guess, I can move along.
msleah met a host at
9:43 PM
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
I need a new LAN card. I need a stable internet connection. I need lunch. I need the toilet. I need cash. I need something to do. I need to start on my project. I need motivation. I need a movie. I need anime. I need to get out of here (school).
msleah met a host at
1:27 PM
Monday, March 20, 2006
A New Look.
Okay, I'll split this post up into different sections so that anyone who wishes not to read about a certain part of the post, may feel free to skip it. See how I treat people, who use their time (probably out of boredom) to visit my blog, nicely?
Layout Yeah, a new look. Initially I dont really intend to put this up permanently. It's just that while reading the manga, out of the thousand pages that I've seen, the one pic of Kenshin there caught my attention and just screams to be made into a layout. I only edit and photoshop images if I come across the perfect image for it. And that, is one really perfect image. Initially I only wanted to use his picture but then, it looks kind of plain, leaving a whole lot of empty space for the post. (I guess I could've made the whole thing smaller, but.. wasn't thinking about it at that time. Stupid me.) So, what I did was, browse through the manga again, and put images of the two women he's closely attached to; Tomoe and Kaoru. I'm not particularly satisfied with Tomoe's image, but that's as good as I can edit it. The initial scan was really really bad. Really. In the end, after editing the whole image, I take a look and.. hey, its not too bad. Well, granted, its not really that eye-catching, or amazing, but its simple, and I like it. Although I am quite the perfectionist, as seen from the previous layout. Anyway, it looks satisfying in Firefox, but it looks Rurouni Kenshi (Samurai X) Anime/Manga Yeah! I've finished reading RK manga. And it was really really great. At the beginningI wasn't really too keen of Mangas. I'd prefer Anime over them anytime. But the only reason I read manga now, is to know the storyline. Really, the only Manga I've read are Bleach, School Rumble and this, Rurouni Kenshin. And only after I watch the anime. Its usually because I'm impatient with the anime, that's why I read it (For Sch Rum, I wanted to know what happens after Season 1; for Bleach, I wanted to know the real flow of the story, instead of where the fillers are going at the moment). Anyway, back to the topic. I love RK's manga more than the anime now. It rocks! Well, for the fighting scenes, obviously its much better to watch it animated instead of in paper. Tomoe is actually much much prettier in drawing than in the OVA. I wish they'd animate the whole series according to the Manga, but too bad. Although there is the OVA, it's not quite the same. I only understand the whole series after reading the manga. And Kenshin wasn't as serious as I thought he was in the OVA. There was still a hint of his usual self, and for that, I'm quite glad. I've actually gone to love almost all of the characters in the series. Even Saitoh. You have got to love his dialogues. It's really hilarious how he makes fun of Sano all the time. And Soujiro is so cute, although he reminds me of Ichimaru Gin from Bleach. I'm not saying that Ichimaru is cute, its the fact that they both smile all the time, rid of emotions. (Although, Soujiro's not an evil smile) Anyway, I think RK's Manga is much much much much better than the anime. Did I mention that already? Misc/Sch/Boring Life, etc So now I have to find something to keep me occupied in school (since I've already finished reading the manga) and internet connection at home's really bad, since it's always unstable (only mine though, nothing wrong when using the desktop. heh.) that I can't really get anything to watch now. Ah~ It's about time I start working on my project anyway. It has already been two weeks of slacking, and I should really start to get serious. (The fact that my two other team mates as just about the same as me, doesn't really help) Exam results will be out this Friday, not really bothered. I don't really expect great results, mediocre is just fine. As long as I get to graduate, and don't really fail anything, then its fine. Are you reading this? (directed to a certain someone, and she should know) Got an email, congratulating us for finally being third year students. Ah. Graduating soon. Can't really think much about it, since there's still a few more months before that, but its happening soon. Wonder how we all are going to be once we left school. Anyway, for the first time, I'm already quite sure of what I'm going to do. Well, not really sure sure, just have a brief idea. I'm going to work (not sure about the actual profession area just yet) and help around the house for abit. Let my sisters complete their education, and then, when everyone's comfortably out of secondary school, I'll start thinking about going back to school to study. But I'm definitely not going to continue under the IT field. No. So that's about it. (Long post again. Sigh. I really should stop writing this much. Must've missed creative writing.) Time for some tv!
msleah met a host at
7:39 PM
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Indulging myself in Rurouni Kenshin Manga. Such a goodie. I mean, I do enjoy the anime, but the manga is the true story and I havent had the chance to read it yet before, so now I'm reading non-stop volume after volume. Miss my Kenshin. I never really liked manga (I used to think it was boring, with no animation, bgm, sound, VA etc etc) but now I'm getting used to it. Oritey, I'll get back to it. Must find something to keep me occupied during school though.. (Like get a show, or save some manga to be read during that time)
msleah met a host at
4:09 PM
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Justin and Vernon never fail to make me laugh every morning. I went into fits of laughter before 7, mind you, along with my sister when we switched on the radio. Oh and I fell in love with Jason (Mraz)'s voice the moment I heard it on the radio today. It's so smooth and yummy (?!) and then listening to him having a chat with Justin and Vernon "live".. Ah~ I loved his personality (although I must admit I know not much about this guy).
And I ABSOLUTELY loved his live acoustic version the moment his voice flowed through the radio waves, along with the acoustic guitar. (Yes, I'm bad at descriptive writing, as one might tell) Anyway, the moment I heard it, I let out a blissful sigh right there and then, at the bus interchange. (You must know that I was waiting for the bus, on my way to school then) And people started to turn to stare at me weirdly. Okay, of course, it didnt go to that extend. I 'ALMOST' let out a blissful sigh, because, you have to admit, it was really really good, his acoustic version (if you've listened). I wish I'd record it now. (Written on a piece of paper while travelling in bus 963) SO now I absolutely have Jason's Geek in the Pink on repeat in my winamp playlist. Along with some other current favourites of mine (50's Best Friend feat Olivia, Fort Minor's Kenji, Green Day's Novacaine, Kelly's Hear Me, UH's Passion etc) I think I should update regularly so that my post wont be as long as a History essay. The more I update, the shorter the post. Now isn't that better?
msleah met a host at
10:20 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Another Soul
Ah. Alright. Another one of my (super ridiculously long) post. Anyway, I've so much to talk about, I'm not sure if its even things that are worth mentioning. At the moment, I'm just about as free as the wind (is there such a thing), and there's hardly any progress going on with my project. I don't really want to waste my time doing nothing, and lazing around in school. I must really go get things done as soon as possible, so that the faster I'm finished with it, the better.
SO. Lately, I kind of have something against going online on MSN. I mean, whenever I'm in MSN, then I'll surely be talking and chatting until the wee hours of the night (or morning) that I will have a hard time waking up for the next morning's class. (Plus the fact that connection's been unstable a lot lately, so the thing'll be signing in and out. Bah!) Okay, so maybe this is just an exaggeration as usual. But I don't want to be the last one asleep yet again. I hate it. Anyway, when you're chatting online, time seems to pass by so quickly, its unbelievable. I have to rub my eyes everytime I take a look at the clock, to make sure that my eyes' aren't deceiving me. This is why I hate spending so much time on the internet. Even though there's really nothing much to do online. Okay, let's just say I hate spending so much time on the computer altogether. (But I'm still using it, no matter what I say. ~sigh~) Been listening to the radio and realized that they keep using the same songs over and over again, put in some other lyrics, give it a new name, and ta-da you got a new single. I mean, the music is still the same, it doesnt change, only the artiste and the lyrics. It doesnt make any sense at all. Why'd they want to do that? Its bad enough that they're making remakes (which may turn out worse than the original), but this? Anyway, its just something I observed, nothing really to complain about since I listen to all types of music. Literally. Any language, any genre (just NOT techno, as I've mentioned oh so many times), anything. I'm versatile that way. Just so long as its good music, I'll listen to it. I wonder if everyone experience this kind of thing. Like when you listen to one song, you'll be reminded of a single person. For me, I've had some songs that will personally remind me of certain people, whether I like it or not. It's either the lyrics are relatively similar to the person that I have in mind, or I've heard that music being played by those people before. Like Yellowcard's Only One, Daddy Yankee's Gasolina, Westlife's something. I can't remember the title of the song, but I know that if I heard it again, I'd be reminded of someone. And these people are all related to my past,one way or another ( I mean, come on, Westlife?! Of course it has to be back in the past, its quite some time ago..). Ah, well, feeling quite nostalgic lately. Missing all my friends, or maybe I just keep getting reminded of my past alot lately. People have been saying that I look dazed or lost a lot recently. Its not that, its just that I'm feeling jaded. Haha, okay that coming from me?! No, its not that, maybe I just haven't been paying any attention to them, or not interested in what they're talking about, but too polite to say so. (laugh) I guess I'm just dazed, and staring into space, because I keep thinking about things? Things that I shouldn't really talk about, if I must say. Anyhow, I've been seeing the "Press the fart button. You know you want to" adv alot lately. It's everywhere, on every webpage I go to. I mean, what's up with that?! Nevertheless, watched the Pirates of the Caribbean trailer lately. I didn't know it was a Walt Disney film, really. It's really funny, I can't wait for it to be released in theaters! July is too long! I especially love the part where Jack's eyes are painted when he had them closed - ah well, watch the trailer, and you'll see that one part. It's so cool. How in the world did he (Johnny) manage to bring out Jack's character beautifully, I wouldn't know. But it's great, everyone can see that. Oh, and of course, watched the X Men 3 trailer as well, the one that was just released, I think it was called The Last Stand. Cool, now I know what the movie's about. Angel is sooo cool, with his wings and all that. Can't wait to watch that too. Well did some photo editing, though not much. Haha, but I like the response that I got (from my MSN dp). Here they are. Take a look at your own risk, I should say. I warned you. Edited: Link Original: Link Oh and I must figure out a way to fork out 70 bucks within the next four weeks, to pay off my bill. How am I suppose to do that?! Oh well. I'll just starve for the next month then. (Oh and I love PP's Mimpi yang Sempurna and UH's Passion - music)
msleah met a host at
11:20 PM
Thursday, March 09, 2006
R & R - pills?
My feet stinks.
I'm updating again. Is that a good thing? Up to oneself. Today, I shall not spare anyone and go write an account of my adventures. I shall give a new name to my blog, calling it "Little stories and adventures". I shall give a new url to my blog, calling it .. well, I'm not sure what to rename it as yet. Maybe I wont change it. I shall give a new look to my blog, once I get around to designing and encoding the template. When I'm not too busy with FYP. So. Today. The 9th of March 2006. Thursday. I reached school early for once. It was a rare miracle, but I congratulated myself for waking up early and getting ready for school at my own sweet time. I was 15 minutes early when I reach school, and get to enjoy my book. It couldn't have started out better. For the first half hour since "class" is suppose to start, everyone who've reached wondered if there was actually going to be a lecture, since no lecturer was there. But still, people just started wandering in the room and take their own respective seats. Eventually someone came up, and.. started talking about SA again. I give him my full attention (out of politeness) for a whole 15-30 minutes, before deciding to open up my novel, and continued dreaming in my own world. When lecture was done, went out for lunch. Lunch was a whole 45 minutes I think. It was more the talk than everything, and I, unabashedly, finish my food first! Goodness, I must be really hungry, or the rice is just too little. I'm being such a glutton lately, I'm not surprised if I'm putting on weight! So, I had to call off the chatting after lunch, since me and my partner are supposed to be meeting our supervisor at 11.45 to go off and meet the doctors (at NUH) at 12.30pm. Alright, I'll spare the details of the journey (took cab, wait for Adam, sit in the room, wait for the Dr., made proper introductions and so it begins). So I was yet to learn about my role in the project. So in that enclosed meeting room (which Jansen, and the gang, later stated that it was better than in their time, since they had their meeting in the canteen, and only for half an hour too) we were listening to all the details about the project. What I'm supposed to do and what he's expecting and all that. It was.. not so short, I can assure that. So, when he move on to the e-learning area (codings) which was directed towards the tutors (this was supposed to be a staff project, or is still is, I think. Or so they've mentioned in passing), my head started throbbing. Surprise, surprise, it was the oh so common headache. And it's back. But I guess all that information was just getting to me, everything was swirling in my head, I had a bad headache. I was lucky enough not to feel sleepy. In fact, I wasn't really very sleepy at all for the past few days. So I was sitting there, listening, but not really paying attention, since it was sort of "off" my hands, and just stared and observed. Main thing that passes through my head? Receding hairline. Don't ask. There were only 4 girls out of the 12 present, and every one of the guy in that room, was my victim. Moving along now, had a discussion after that at NUS. And then was suppose to head back home. But I have no idea how to get there. Took a cab (courtesy of Adam) until we reach this certain bus stop. But I decided to went back to NUH (by walking, mind you!) to take the straight bus home. Which was supposed to be there anyway. Being stupid, I made a whole tour around NUS. Again, don't ask. I finally manage to get on the ride back home. On the bus. Which was there. And I've been there before too, only I was too stupid to actually gather my thoughts and really think about a plan. But at least I got home safe and sound. But not really at my best. My feet was killing me, after hours of standing. I've spend over how long walking under the scorching heat, trying to find where I was, even though it was still just Singapore. My legs were extremely tired, my arms were numb from carrying the 2kg laptop around, my shoulders were beginning to drop, from carrying my bag with the adaptor, which I didn't even use, my head was hurting so badly, I even considered releasing the rail on the bus and fall/faint, so that people would at least give up their seat to me. That was how bad it was. The bus was extremely full too, given the timing that it arrives. Most people were just released from work. And to think that I could've gotten on the earlier, bus (which I just miss when I reach that bus stop) but of course, let's all blame my stupidity. As if that wasn't enough, there was still more. On my way home, this guy just started showing me the donation thing in passing, and as usual I smiled and shook my head. Surprisingly, he seemed to shout something in my face, which I didn't get to catch since my ears were plugged (music). Too bl- rude, if I must say. I neither have the time, nor the energy to do anything else, and I just knew my tudung was not- well it wasn't perfect. But I was so tired, I couldn't care less, and during the (loooonggg) walk back home, I just had my head down, and my face in a frown. Not a very good sight, but it was such a long and tiring day for me. It wasn't terrible, it was just so exhausting. I'm going off for a run tomorrow. I don't care if its comfortable or not comfortable. I don't care. I need some time to sort my head (especially after being so..messy?!) and peace and I love the crisp morning air. Food must come with excercise. All that ice-cream and pound cake, I must burn my fats away. (Can't believe I could still stuff a whole 1/4 tub of ice-cream straightaway when I got home. What a real glutton!) Okay, exhausting day, off to do some reading. And maybe get some sleep. I was thinking, why do they have sleeping pills for the insomniac and no r&r pills? You know, some people can be workaholic sometimes, they'll need that. I definitely need that. A whole box, while we're at it. This should go to some suggestion box.
msleah met a host at
8:19 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Those Who're Interested
WARNING: This post is long and probably even like an essay. Read it at your own risk.
Today's topic is about: myself. (Surprise, surprise) I'll just first list down my bad points, so that people would (hopefully) stay away from me. The main thing here is that I am definitely not promoting myself. Negative things about Saleha is: Anti-social. (Really, I tend to be choosy about who I hang around with) Arrogant. (When I feel like it) Stubborn. (All the time, when I have my own opinion about things) Selfish. (I'm selfish with everything I own - change, I need to change!!) Insensitive. (To people's feelings) Sarcastic. (You know me right?) Lazy. (What can I say) Egoistic. (Everyone has egos. Mine just increase whenever I disagree with something) Rude. (When I'm mad, I tend to be rude) Greedy. (Just about everything) Unhelpful. (I'll just look and stare, and do not take the initiative to help) Irresponsible. (I don't really do my job and will start blaming others) Irrational. (No comments) Unreasonable. (Like I've mentioned, it's the ego) Impatient. (When I'm pushed over the edge, I get impatient with just about everything) And of course the many more. But really, that's me. People who know me better should know that. The ones that are bold (which coincidentally spells out SAL) is me all the time. All the other negative things are me usually when people push their luck, or have done something to make me really mad. That is the truth about me. I dont even know why I'm actually publishing this for the public, but I guess I'll just have to mend my errors. I know I have my faults, and its easier said than done, changing one self. I guess I'll just have to put in more effort. So the other day, I was wondering about my future. It's scary, isn't it, thinking about the future. I wonder what kind of adult I'd grow up to be (after reading all those negative attitude of mine). I wonder what kind of job I'd get after graduation. I wonder whom are the people that will be in touch with me, after school, for the rest of my life. Anyway, not long ago, the whole sister troop sit down together and watched tv. Teman Anugerahku's the show (Suria channel, Wednesday, 9.30pm) and I can't say things like "It rocks!". Because, truth be told, it probably didn't. The reason I'm wasting my time is just to watch the anugerah guys. I wasn't really interested, honestly, I didn't even catch Anugerah at all! Was it last year? Yeah, so whatever it is, we were there watching and mostly criticising the whole thing. Because this is after all a Malay drama. Everything tends to be overboard. There's a guy who wants to know his real mother (just because his girlfriend pester him to do so) and his foster mom gets upset (with exaggerated tears, you know, the works) and it was supposed to be a sad scene. Right? I mean, come on, there's tears. But. The sisters, being the sisters, make light of it. We laughed (while I have the suspicion that someone in the other room actually cried - and that someone is a guy btw, the only guy under this roof) because it just wasn't there. The feeling of the supposedly sad emotion. We were all making fun of it, and basically rolling our eyes etc. Then there's the girl who's pregnant, but wants this certain guy to be the 'father'. When it was her ex's child she's pregnant with. Of course this new guy doesn't have any idea. So the girl got him drunk (drunk?! helloooo?!!! Just what kind of person are you suppose to be again?!) and then bring him up to her room. But just before anything bad could happen, his friend came to get him, and save him from the nightmare (which he himself doesn't know about). Woke up the next morning at his friend's place and instead of being thankful, he actually accuses his friend of making the whole thing up and etc etc. I mean come on! And all this friendship thing ("Oh well, at least we're still friends." "Yeah, we still got our friendship") is surreal. Guys don't actually go around saying that to one another. Right? Parents who actually do not let the son hang out with his friends just because they're malay. And no music?! At least I can understand the fact that there are some parents who're strict about their son's studies. But no music? That is just so unbelieavable. Oh and if your parents ask how was your exam, how'd you answer? I'd just say, "It was alright, I guess." And because the scripting was.. Well let's just say he actually let out that he didn't exactly get to finish his econs paper. And his mom starts going ballistic. Ballistic I tell you! Oh my. Oh yeah, the guy mentioned "Come on, I'm not a girl," and I just had to laugh. I find it amusing. Because this is just too funny (in a ridiculous way). Then there's the other dad who starts shouting at his son because he didnt' get a job. And one of my sis happened to mention "This scene looks similar, doesn't it?" Well, figure that out for yourself. Oh yeah, before I end this rambling, there was this one part where one of the guys' mom says to bring home his gf. Since she'd like to meet this "special friend" of his. And we had our discussion, saying "Wow, look at that, if it was the guy's parents, they'd say bring the girl home, if she's free, so I'd have a chance to meet her.. And if it was a girl's parents.. it's something else altogether. More on the lines of.. bring the guy home, so that I'd get a chance to bash up that person who thinks he's good enough for my daughter." Which I had to agree to, of course. Please, do correct me if I'm wrong. I am opiniated as someone've mentioned. This is why I avoid watching malay dramas. Instead of enjoying the whole thing, there'd just be critism. Anyone who knows me, really really knows me, knows that I do not switch the channel to Suria. On the account that I actually watch the tv. But really. There are much better shows out there. Despite all this critism (or trash talk), I'd still watch the whole show. Because there's Azmir, whom I've only noticed when I started watching this show. (Before this it was Fauzi, but.. he looks weird now). And then ShiHo started saying how cute Khairil was. I only like his character in the show. The most rational guy in the whole drama. But Azmir is cute, although I'm beginning to dislike the character he's playing. And how come Don always plays all these ridiculous roles anyway? The slutty type who works at those indecent places? Bah. And I found the perfect review for the show. This tells all, I couldn't have written it better myself. http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/guide/story/0,4136,102838,00.html I'll be back for more posts I guess. But no more critism. Hopefully. Anyway, IHP again tomorrow. Ah, hope this'll be a good week for me.
msleah met a host at
10:54 PM
Monday, March 06, 2006
Movies - Books - Movies
Books made into movies. Movies turned into books? Never really heard of it, though I'm pretty sure there should be some out there, unless I'm wrong (which is a higher probability).
Currently watching the Oscars. Well, listening to the Oscars, to be more specific. Obviously I have my eyes locked on the screen. That's what blogging is about. Anyway, some interesting movies this year. Never heard of Crash, wonder what its about, receiving the commotion that they did there in the Oscars. Munich, interesting. King Kong grabbing more than one, for I-cant-remember-what awards that they received. I didnt know Brockback Mountain was about 2 cowboy lovers. *guffaws* Okay, so maybe I should do my research first, before being blunt but its Jake Gyllenhaal and Heath Ledger, I should DEFINITELY get it on DVD. Ahh, a cure for sore eyes. So moving on, before you get disgusted with me, I've been catching up on my books. Re-read "In Her Shoes" by Jennifer Weine. Loved her novels, they're always what I looked for whenever I visit the Library (which doesnt happen alot these days). Now, I'm wondering if I should go catch the movie. I know it stars Cameron D, but sometimes a great book doesnt mean that it goes well on screen (as other examples have shown). I'll make my statement again when I've actually watched the movie. Speaking of movies, I cant wait to catch X3 (I know I've mentioned this before, somewhere in my other posts) which will be out in May. Just saw Pirates of the Carribean 2 trailer on tv- I cant WAIT! Out in July though. Saw some cool movie posters (Ultraviolet, Bloodrayne) but really, no idea what the movie(s) is about. Really, I havent been to the movies in ages. Last one still was King Kong, I know for sure I've missed a lot. Maybe I should use the free GV movie voucher Mr K gave sometime ago. Ooh did I mention? Love the set Oscars had this year, so "authentic". So maybe I'm heading over to the library to grab some books, if I'm not too lazy to get out of the house. Yep, anyone can guess it. It's all books books books now. When you have so much free time to spare (well, not really) and everyone else is busy with their lives, what do you do? Catch up on books. Haha, well that's the geek in me anyway. But I love books. And movies. So I'm not complaining, and can actually say that I'm rather enjoying this limited time that I have before school gets chaotic again. One face I definitely wouldnt miss - my supervisor's face. Shh! Dont' tell anyone I said that. Once again, I'm wishing that the 6 months will pass by quickly. Dreading this IHP. Really really really dreading it. And yay! Lost is coming back at the end of the month. That's something to look forward to (even though I really should first catch up on the first season. Looks like I'm not going to get that 'dvd' any time soon) Till the next ranting.. (Oh yeah, I'm thinking of changing the layout. Finally. But to a really really simple one. Simplistic. We'll see how.)
msleah met a host at
12:10 PM
Friday, March 03, 2006
Creator of Notebooks/Laptops Co. Pte. Ltd.
Honestly, my laptop is sucking the blood out of me. Once sent to mel, it will forever want to return there. First the hardisk crashed. And then the combo driver was spoiled. Next, keyboard spoiled. Now, whenever I insert my wireless card, the whole system will hang. So I cant even get to go to the internet anymore. Its just about time that I've had enough with this whole thing.
Currently having the sniffles. Been having coughs since a few days too. Maybe I'm stuck home for too long. Exams are over. YES! Finally. But can't really have a proper holiday. Will have to be back in school next Tues for the start of IHP. Which is going to go on for the next six months. That's long. Very long. I dont want to do this IHP. But its not like there's any other choice. I hope the six months will pass by veryyyy quickly. Yeah. I wish.
msleah met a host at
12:27 PM
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