I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am,
you wouldn't be here in the first place.
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![]() The Host
I see no point in giving out personal details.
Just know that I'm usually known as sal.
msleah is my alter ego.
I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place. History
return-July 2004
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MiSz MeSz
Guo Qing
Li Ting
Xin Yi
Xue Er
Ol' Versions
[May 2005 - Mar 2006] ![]() Version 4 [Mar 2006 - May 2006] ![]() Version 5 [May 2006 - August 2006] ![]() Credits
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The List
![]() With the start of the new season, that means new animes. And by golly, there are plenty this time round. Truth be told, there's always plenty of new series. I haven't been watching/catching up on my animes, so I don't really keep track. But now.. actually, its kinda the same situation really. I'm just adding the titles to my "To Watch" list. Trust me, over the years, it has been growing and growing. I haven't even finish watching those completed animes from the previous seasons (FSN, Ergo Proxy etc..) and I have a long-long-really-long queue of discs lined up for me to watch (Suzumiya Haruhi, Jigoku Shoujo,Honey & Clover 1,2 etc..). And what do I do? Add more new series to the list. Sometimes even I can't believe myself. It's not like I'm going to watch all of them in one go. But it'd be nice to watch completed series all at one go a.k.a a marathon. However it'd be a long time before I can be that free. Anyway, I've piled up a few series this new season to add to my list. ![]() black lagoon season 2 - Definitely going to get this, since I've finished the first season and loved it. New evil twins! ![]() ichigo mashimaro ova - I can't wait. This is actually one series that I've finished watching, so I know it'd be a cute OVA. ![]() afro samurai - new series. Looks cool. ![]() deathnote - first the manga, then movie, now the anime. So which should I watch first? ![]() ![]() the pumpkin scissors - Another new series. I think it's bada--. I'm definitely going to watch this one. ![]() d-grayman - Another adaptation from manga. Manga first or just anime? ![]() jigoku shoujo ni kago - I know I'm going to love this. Now if only I'd get around to start watching the first season... I now kind of hated animes with manga adaptations. Not because most of them are bad, no. Because, I can't decide whether to read the manga first or just skip to the anime. I've a long list of manga to read (-.-") -what's new?- and D-grayman as well as Deathnote was in that list. It's just that i've never really got around to it. So, now with the anime.. I've experienced this with NANA, so I know what I'm talking about. It's like this. I watched the movie first. And then when the anime comes, it's basically a repetition, so I'd get turned off and bored. (Btw, NANA is currently on Hold, like many other series -sigh- ) And when I Anyway, I'm only going to follow these 2 series at the mo. Bokura ga Ita and BL Second Barrage. Like they said, with every ending (Ouran is finished! Noooo!!) comes a new beginning (Yeah, look at the long list I have now. Pfft.).
msleah met a host at
2:44 AM
Sunday, October 08, 2006
The Game
![]() This was what it was like last night, at the beginning. She was the one who kind-of started it all. I joined in a few minutes later, and did most of it all the way to the end. (She stopped after the first few pieces though. Pfft) ![]() And this, the final result, 9++ hours later (we started around 7.15pm). My dad saw me doing it (with the rest of the sisters like Hanim & Narimah) and asked if I really have so much time on my hands. Dad, you have no idea how much. ![]() And the marker is purposely placed there for the proportion of the whole thing. It's big, its on the floor, and I have absolutely no idea what to do with it.
msleah met a host at
10:07 PM
Saturday, October 07, 2006
The New Season Premieres
With the faulty (and totally problematic) laptop and the close to useless computer, I am deprived. Deprived from shows like 1. Grey's Anatomy 2. Lost 3. Desperate Housewives. And guess what? They are all back for a Season 3. Oh how I wish I could use torrent now and get them all hot new releases! But I guess I have to wait.
Patience IS the key - in some cases, that is. ![]() I can't wait to catch up on GA. It's the show that I've been anticipating since its end from the last season. You have to catch it, with each season ending, there's always a surprise element. Like when Season 1 ended, it ends with the entrance of Addison. And because of that last episode, I've been following Season 2 faithfully, even though I only catch bits of Season 1. And now, with the end of Season 2 + beginning of Season 3, we have to know who's the unlucky guy Meredith chose. If I wasn't clear enough, I'm quite sick of Meredith's affair with guys. And I can't wait to listen to the music. I've already mentioned this, but GA has the greatest soundtrack ever. (I first heard Chasing Cars here, and that was like 5 months ago, before it became everyone's fav song - recently) ![]() For Desperate Housewives, I'll continue where I left off. I don't have any intention of following the first 2 seasons of DH because.. Well, because, I don't see a need to. Even though I haven't been watching every single episode, I can at least still keep up with what's going on. (What happened to Susan, when Mike didn't show up? And how come Bree always ends up with the LUNATICS? Literally!) ![]() Unfortunately, the same can't be said for Lost. Therefore, I am yet to catch up on Season 1 AND 2 before I can continue with the new season. Sounds troublesome, but I wouldn't bother if the show wasn't worth the hassle. Ah man, if I could (maybe in the near future) I'd love to catch up with 24, Veronica Mars, Joan etc etc. I'm such a sucker for good-plot-eye-candy(?) tv shows. Ah,man. We all know I'm just bored, really. Alright, those are shows going on the third season. For series that are just premiering, and I'm totally interested in, that would be:- The Nine ![]() Heroes ![]() and.. Ugly Betty - which is a remake btw (another one?!). ![]() Plot: It's about Ugly Betty(duh!) working in a fashion (?) magazine industry. You know how these editors bla bla aka evil people on the fashion magazine industries are. Image, gossip (etc) are the only words in their dictionary. Anyway meet Betty as she struggle in that environment. I've actually watched the original (which was in Spanish, I think) years ago so.. -Spoiler Alert- She's going to (of course) eventually get rid of the braces, glasses and new hairdo and be not-so ugly. AND, she's in love with her boss. Or will be. I think. Ugh, I am torturing myself for lining up shows I cannot watch at the moment.
msleah met a host at
10:17 PM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
The Source of my Fav Asian Men
![]() My Girl is one of my fav KDramas now. It's up on the top 5 list along with Full House and MNIKSS. Hilarious hilarious hilarious, I totally love the humor factor they have in the show. Some of the dumbest things they do in the show are enough to crack you up for the rest of the day. But like all KDramas, the comedy factor comes to a full stop the moment they are halfway through the show. The reason? Because that's where the plot comes in, and trust me, if they're lucky enough not to be exaggerating (the plot, that is), they get depressing. ![]() But overall I really enjoyed the show, once the tears and "I can't be with you for _______ reasons" part of the story has pass. Plus the fact that they have attractive lead(s) - esp the males! - doesn't hurt either. A little bit about the show? Main storyline is that the 2 people who hate each other's guts crossed path, and - later - fell in love! (Isn't that always the case?) But really, its actually about a guy who pays a girl to pretend to be his cousin, for his grandfather's sake (who was on the deathbed). And.. then things got quite complicated and messy some few episodes later. That's where the interesting parts begin. ![]() And Goong! My goodness, how long ago was it that I finished the show? Earlier this year? I'm kinda glad they're playing it on CH U next week ( I love re-watching my fav shows, like KSS) cuz I get to see Yul again! And the princess dresses are gorgeous, really really gorgeous. Not to forget the teddies at the end of each episode, that parts' so cute! The fact that they meticulously dress up the tiny teddies to match the costume the actor/actress wears and create that particular pose in a certain scene - well, you have to watch it to get what I mean. My KDrama list is certainly increasing, although I don't think the list has even reached 10. YET.
msleah met a host at
8:54 PM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
The Sweet Story
I enjoyed this show immensely. You have to get past the logic factor and just go ahead and enjoy the movie. In keeping my post a short one, go ahead to this site here for a more detailed summary on the show. Or just for the sypnosis:-
Overall, I really loved this movie. I was surprised when they played Orange Range's Hana at the end of the show, and later found out that it was this movie that made the song extremely popular in 2005. A few research(es) later, I realized that they made a drama series out of the movie and used Orange Range's Kizuna as the Theme Song. (Hana and Kizuna are two of OR's most popular ballads.)
msleah met a host at
12:37 PM
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