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The Host

I see no point in giving out personal details. Just know that I'm usually known as sal. msleah is my alter ego.

I believe if you don't already know who I am, you wouldn't be here in the first place.


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Ol' Versions

Version 3
[May 2005 - Mar 2006]

Version 4
[Mar 2006 - May 2006]

Version 5
[May 2006 - August 2006]


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Monday, May 21, 2007
The Cycle

Pics galore. I can never really gave up my dramas.
KDRAMAS, JDRAMAS, PLAIN OL DRAMAS. I can never got sick of them.
Sure there'll be a period where I'll take a break from all these, but not for long.
Anyway I still have a long long list of shows to watch, but havent because

1. I can't download (for various reasons)
2. I can't get the shows at any local video outlets. Especially for JDramas.

Kind of a bummer that Singapore only provide Kdramas these days. Pfft. Uwaaahhh!
I want my sources back =((
Anyway these pics are from Hello! Miss, and Witch Yoo Hee/Witch Entertainment~
Inform me if you happen to watch em or have em! HAHA!

Funny Pic~ Erm, quite self-explanatory, really.

Members of the cast

the leads in the show~

The sole reason why I want to watch the show~ because she's in it!
Loved her since MY GIRL =))

Witch Yoo Hee.

I'm guessing.. she'll be stuck between them?

Tell me again how this show can have 5 main characters?
Cuz normally they'll have 4, with their own love triangles/rectangles.

msleah met a host at 7:27 PM

Sunday, May 20, 2007
The Perfect Ones

this post is still all about loveeee <3>
Just a short post.

I love stories that are told seamlessly, got you hooked from start till finish, you can't find faults in any areas.

I love stories that you keep thinking about even after you put the book down.
(Or movie, drama, whatsoever).

I love stories that are realistic, stories that are not impossible.

I love stories that are a work of art.

That being said, after not reading any shoujo for months, I love Lovely Complex and Skip Beat! Especially Skip Beat! and I'm hooked like ever now.

i love this hilarious duo =))

Anyway I've heard LP's Minute to Midnight. Sure they've 'mellowed' but I still love LP. And I can recognize their song when they played it for Prison Break's Advertisement on Ch5. The episode bout Michael&Sarah and I think it's sooo perfect! Plus it's one of my favs off the new album.
Listen to the lyrics, and if you watch the show, you'll know what I mean =))

msleah met a host at 4:48 PM

Monday, May 07, 2007
The Identity

I had a date today, and we watched Spiderman3! I heart that movie sooo much, and it actually turns out to be my favourite out of all the three movies. Granted, some guys will find it mushy (so typical -_-) cuz all they cared about (and hoped for) is the movie to be action packed. Well, no worries, it is, but this movie has other factors too, like humor, erm, and other stuff I guess. Plus, there's more than 1 villain, and 1 hero, and 1 woman.. oops, I might say too much. But yes, plenty of characters and I was moved by the story. Well, whatever it is, just be sure to catch it, and I'm surprised we actually got a not-so-full theatre and good seats seeing as how hot the movie was (is). I guess it was all thanks to the location, and the timing. =))

I heart him in this movie, cuz, well he smiles! ALOT! Not so emo-ish (like the last movie), but I love this guy. And his grins. And well, seeing as the guy has a hot body to go along with it, why not? Who would've thought that the Freak&Geek kid would.. turn out like this. We're all proud of you, James.

Well, erm, scary, but still hot. Hees! I wish I can go on a date with HIM.

Oh have I mentioned that I heart my date too? And boyfren, if you're worried, don't be, this date have no dimples whatsoever *winks*. But I'm still grinning. Hees!

Anyway, anyway, I'm feeling happy, bubbling with happiness and it's so fun! Just what this blog should be. Plus, I have alot to say about myself. Well actually, its what people say about me.

I've been mistaken as my adek's (younger sis) mother, twice.
-By her friends.

I've been mistaken as Mommy herself, twice.
-By my relatives, no less.

I've been told "You look familiar..", five times.
-By my ex-colleagues. And trust me, we've never met.

I've been told I look 20, when I was 16.
- By some random guy

I've been told I look 16, when I was 20.
-By plenty of people, I couldnt keep track.

HAR. Okay fine, maybe that's abit of a stretch. But yeah, at this age, people still claim I dont look my age. That's fine, absolutely fine with me. But how can I look young, and at the same time be mistaken for my MOMMY?

Orite, that's probably nothing. Age is.. not something you can tell just by how you look. Here's the cream of the cake, though.

I've been called names, or more specifically, given nicknames, since my secondary school days.
Oh hey, there's plenty of them to last a lifetime. Trust me.
I mean, I spend 4 years in secondary school, and I got more than 1.
3 years in polytechnic, and there was obviously more than 3.
Worse still, 1 month at work and already, wad, 2? 3? 4?
Bonus, bonus.
Everyone loves giving me names.
Not so much that I hated it, I just find it weird that people around me all love to give me nicknames. Don't you?

But yes, lastly, I love my part time lover, my family, my friends, my so-called boyfren and the warped family, I love everyone!

HEY, I'm feeling soo gay right now, I almost dare you to try spoil my mood.


msleah met a host at 8:20 PM

Saturday, May 05, 2007
The Dates

her = hearts
5 years, and still going strong babeh!

Being unemployed do have its pros, I guess. We get to chill out at coffee bean and celebrate the end of events, and looking forward to another beginning. It'll be a bonus when the gaji starts to come in next week. Can't wait, and then shopping spree all over again.

Mother's day coming around the corner, and I'm planning to give mama that Delifrance sandwich she's been craving for.

Plus, I'm setting aside dates for leen, IRAS girls, stutyz & Sutha. Yes, I do remember the promises that I/we've made, so please do contact me whilst I'm free. =)
Plenty of catching up to do with ya girls.

msleah met a host at 12:11 AM